
fairly [ˈfeəli]  [ˈferli] 


比较级:more fairly

最高级:most fairly

fairly 基本解释

副词公平地; 适当,相当地; 完全,简直; 清楚地

fairly 同义词


fairly 反义词

副词unjustly partially

fairly 相关例句



1. She paints fairly well.

2. He was fairly beside himself with rage.

3. I fairly caught sight of him.

4. He told the facts fairly.

5. That salesman deals fairly with his customers.

fairly 情景对话

Speak up-(大声说话)

A:I thought I was speaking English fairly well. Now I'm not so sure.

B:What did you say?

A:I said I thought I spoke pretty good English.But people keep asking me to repeat what I've said. So maybe I'm not doing so well after all.

B:There's nothing wrong with your English.It's just that no one can hear what you're saying.

A:Is that what's wrong? But I think it's impolite to talk loudly.

B:You don't have to shout, but you do have to make yourself heard.Maybe Americans talk louder than other people.If so, you'll just have to speak louder,too.

fairly 网络解释


1. 中等:如发热、寒战、贫血、脾肿大等. 血总胆红素(TB增加),以非结合胆红素(UCB)增加为主,结合胆红素(CB)基本正常. 粪中因粪胆素增加,而粪色加深,尿中尿胆元增加,但尿中无胆红素. (3)营养中等(fairly):介于营养良好(well)与营养不良两者之间.

2. 公正地:Europe 欧洲 | fairly 公正地\ | extend 扩充

3. 公平地,相当,完全:fair 公平的,相当的,晴朗的,定期集市,交易会 | fairly 公平地,相当,完全 | faith 信任,信用,信仰

4. 公平地:directly直接地 | fairly公平地 | generally普遍地

fairly 词典解释

1. fairly

1. 相当;还;尚
    Fairly means to quite a large degree. For example, if you say that something is fairly old, you mean that it is old but not very old.

    e.g. Both ships are fairly new...
    e.g. We did fairly well but only fairly well.

2. (用在形容词和副词前,代替very,表示强调,但比 very 语气弱)有些,有点,还算
    You use fairly instead of 'very' to add emphasis to an adjective or adverb without making it sound too forceful.

    e.g. Were you always fairly bright at school?...
    e.g. You've got to be fairly single-minded about it...

3. (表示强调)在很大程度上,简直
    Fairly is used to emphasize that something happens to a very great degree or extent.

    e.g. He fairly flew across the room...
    e.g. For him, the place is fairly boiling with humanity...

4. 简直;几乎可以说
    You use fairly to suggest that a statement is probably or possibly true, and therefore deserves to be accepted or considered.

    e.g. It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny...
    e.g. After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an expert.

5. see also: fair

Fairly, pretty, quite, and rather can all be used to modify adjectives and adverbs, but are all less strong than very. Rather and pretty are the strongest of these words and are the closest to very. Pretty, in this sense, is informal. Therefore, if you said to someone, 'Your work is pretty good' or 'Your work is rather good', they would be more likely to be pleased that if you said 'Your work is quite good' or 'Your work is fairly good'. However, rather is commonly used with words indicating negative qualities. I was feeling rather sad. It is the only one of these words that can be used with comparatives, and with too. Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be... He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend. Quite is slightly stronger than fairly, and may suggest that something has more of a quality than expected. Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common.
fairly, pretty, quite 和 rather 都可用来修饰形容词和副词,但都没有 very 语气强。rather 与 pretty 是这几个词中语气最强、与 very 最接近的词。pretty 用于此意是非正式的用法,因此如果对某人说 Your work is pretty good (你干得很好)或 Your work is rather good (你干得相当好), 比说 Your work is quite good (你干得很不错)或 Your work is fairly good (你干得还不错), 更让听者感到高兴。但 rather 通常与带有负面意义的词连用,如 I was feeling rather sad (我觉得很难过)。rather 也是这些词中唯一能与比较级和 too 连用的词。如:Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be (全球变暖可能比我们想象的还要严重些)。He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend (他和我的前男友有些亲密过头了)。 quite比 fairly 语气稍强, 表示某物比预料中更具某种品质。如:Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common (这儿没人听说过它,但它实际上很常见)。
fairly 单语例句

1. " Those barriers are being toppled fairly quickly, " Butt added.

2. A fairly complete energy supply system is now by and large in place.

3. The share of China's military spending in its GDP and government budget is fairly low by international standard.

4. Xiao also noted that capital punishment has been " strictly, cautiously and fairly " meted out to a tiny number of serious criminal offenders in China.

5. It is entirely possible for a company to have fairly local or regional market presence and yet a highly globalized supply chain or vice versa.

6. Disadvantaged people usually get the short shrift when they compete against privileged social groups and are rarely treated fairly when their interests clash with others'.

7. Only one such rigorous clinical trial on salt intake has been reported so far, and it focused on patients with fairly advanced heart problems.

8. If you look at the growth profile of the Nasdaq relative to ICE or CME, it's fairly low.

9. Dogs always kept indoors are prone to smaller fluctuations in coat thickness and tend to shed fairly evenly all year.

10. The climate of Finland is marked by cold winters and fairly warm summers.

fairly 英英释义



1. to a moderately sufficient extent or degree

    e.g. pretty big
           pretty bad
           jolly decent of him
           the shoes are priced reasonably
           he is fairly clever with computers

    Synonym: reasonably moderately pretty jolly somewhat middling passably

2. without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner

    e.g. deal fairly with one another

    Synonym: fair evenhandedly

3. in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating

    e.g. they played fairly

    Synonym: fair clean