
filler [ˈfɪlə(r)]  [ˈfɪlɚ] 


filler 基本解释


名词填装物,填塞物; 填装者,填注者; (杂志等的)补白; (报纸等的)补白

filler 网络解释

1. 填料:在化工产品中,填料(filler)又称填充剂,是指用以改善加工性能、制品力学性能并(或)降低成本的固体物料. 近年来我国填料技术发展迅速,在全国的几个地方也建立起了填料产业的集散地. 填料产业的发展前景可观.

2. 填充料:常用的聚合物是环氧(epoxy)或聚酰亚胺(polyimide),以Ag(颗粒或薄片)或Al2O3 作为填充料(filler),填充量一般在75%到80%之间,其目的是改善粘结剂的导热性,因为在塑料封装中,电路运行过程中产生的绝大部分热量将通过芯片粘结剂――框架散发出去.

filler 词典解释

1. filler

1. (尤用于填塞墙壁、车身或木头缝隙或孔洞的)填料,填充物
    Filler is a substance used for filling cracks or holes, especially in walls, car bodies, or wood.

2. 充数(或补空的事物)
    You can describe something as a filler when it is being used or done because there is a need for something and nothing better is available.

3. 引致满场的事物
    If you say that something is, for example, a stadium filler or a floor filler, you mean that it is likely to attract crowds to a stadium or onto a dance floor.

filler 单语例句

1. When the reporter asked why cardboard filler was being used, the interview subject said it was done to lower costs.

2. filler什么意思

2. Does some shirt designer simply do a Web search for filler text, only to forget to replace the words once they go to print?

3. NASA managers on Saturday were still evaluating whether a piece of fabric filler protruding from the thermal tiles on Discovery's belly needs to be removed.

4. Astronauts would apply the paint first to make sure the filler stuck.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Many recipes for the lion's head add filler ranging from grated lotus roots to bamboo shoots to just plain starch.

6. They believe that it was the swelling and then erosion of this solidifying filler that caused the cracks in its body.

7. filler的解释

7. There is still 30 centimetres of solidifying filler stuck in the lion's left rear leg, which Wang said is an unsolved problem.

8. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Britain has warned that bread is a " filler " that lacks the nutrients birds need to thrive.

9. A silky soft rock was playing in the background of a tourism filler on the LCD screen inside.

10. Gap filler is material fitted between thermal tiles to prevent them from rubbing against each other.

filler 英英释义


1. the tobacco used to form the core of a cigar

2. anything added to fill out a whole

    e.g. some of the items in the collection are mere makeweights

    Synonym: makeweight

3. filler的意思

3. copy to fill space between more important articles in the layout of a magazine or newspaper

4. 100 filler equal 1 forint in Hungary

5. filler是什么意思

5. used for filling cracks or holes in a surface