
fillers ['fɪləz]  ['fɪləz] 


fillers 基本解释
fillers 网络解释


1. 填料:近年来,在实现PCB基板材料的无铅化、无卤化的进程中,无机填料(Fillers)在CCL中的应用技术得到了飞跃性的进步. 适应CCL性能要求的无机填料品种在纷纷涌现、无机填料的性能在不断提高、新型无机填料表面处理技术的层次在不断提升,

2. 填充剂:由於职场上面对年轻人的激烈竞争,中年男人通过整形延后老化,已形成一股新趋势. 这些40至60多岁的男人,要求的整形手术包括拉皮、去眼袋、抽脂、注射填充剂(fillers)或打肉毒杆菌除皱纹等.

3. 填充物:了解和充分利用填充物(Fillers)是交际者交际策略能力的一个重要组成部分. 在交际遇到困难时,交际者可运用尽可能拖延、迟缓要表达的内容的技巧,从而赢得思考的时间,否则对话可能陷入僵化的局面. 交际过程中的填充物既有短的句子结构,

4. 填充料:添加剂(additives)、填充料(fillers)和补强料(reinforcements)是用来改变或改善塑料的物理性质和机械性质,其影响列于表3-5. 通常,强化纤维可以提升聚合物的机械性质,而特定的填充料则用来增加模数. 一般而言,塑料是不良导体,

fillers 单语例句

1. Hundreds of thousands of cosmetic surgery patients are turning to injections of fillers to magically smooth the furrows of aging.

2. FDA scientists will present the advisory panel with data on 823 patients who suffered reactions after treatment with fillers between 2003 and this September.

3. fillers是什么意思

3. Nothing is added to the meat - no binders, fillers or preservatives.

4. These burgers have a true crab flavor that isn't masked by fillers or strong seasoning.

5. Yang went to the Plastic Surgery Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Science in early October 2011 and had surgery to remove the injected fillers.


6. The agency also is seeking guidance on how to improve testing of fillers and more clearly warn patients about potential risks.

7. Plastic surgeons performed more than 1 million cosmetic surgery procedures with fillers last year alone.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. This has halted or delayed the use of fillers that are widely used in this country.