
formulas ['fɔːmjələs]  ['fɔːrmjələs] 



第三人称复数:formulas; formulae

formulas 基本解释

名词(专业术语)公式; 方案; 准则; 程式

formulas 网络解释

1. 公式:但是,这也存在着很多常见的问题,包括:查询(Lookup) 映射(Mapping) 聚合(Aggregation) 分割(Splitting) 公式(Formulas) 重排序(Reordering) 查询处理会接受收到的值,并为目标系统将它映射到不同的值.

2. 设计、技术、工艺、配方、技能和其他资料:设计图表 design sheets | 设计、技术、工艺、配方、技能和其他资料 designs,techniques,workmanship, formulas,skills and other data | 实施细则 detailed rules

3. 公式/方案:?分类Categorizing | ?公式/方案Formulas | ?逻辑游戏Logic Games

4. 的翻译:Formulas的翻译: | Formulas相关词的翻译: | 实用公式:Practical Formulas

formulas 单语例句

1. Deng said many of his patents have been violated by companies, who stole his formulas in the name of cooperation.

2. formulas的意思

2. Experts'estimates of carbon dioxide emissions are based on fuel going into power plants and complex formulas based on power plant efficiency.

3. Judges generally adhere to common formulas for how the property should be divided, so it is possible to anticipate how your financial life will look after the marriage.

4. " I didn't intend to break any styles or formulas, " she says.

5. Mountain View recently enacted a ban on digital media players after school officials realized some students were downloading formulas and other material onto the players.

6. formulas的解释

6. Miles said that an additional obstacle to breastfeeding is the lobbying practices of some companies that manufacture baby formulas.

7. Israeli officials are now discussing the possible formulas with the United States and the PA, but no agreement has been reached so far.

8. formulas的意思

8. We've learned that contaminated infant formulas have caused the death of three babies and left thousands hospitalized.

9. The Muqam is a musical mode and set of melodic formulas used to guide improvisation and composition.

10. Go to the airport, and you can't avoid videos of people preaching their formulas for success.