
function [ˈfʌŋkʃn]  [ˈfʌŋkʃən] 







function 基本解释


名词功能,作用; 应变量,函数; 职务; 重大聚会

不及物动词有或起作用; 行使职责

function 相关例句



1. The sofa functions as a bed at night.

2. The refrigerator is not functioning well.


1. What is his function on the committee?

2. I attended many social functions while working abroad.

3. The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.

function 网络解释


1. 功能;用途:同时执行好几个任务(task)便可完成一个基本的功能用途(function好几个功用同时运作便可以完成更复杂的功用(function直到最后完成整个应用(application).

2. function:functionname; 函数格式

3. function:func; 定义函数

4. function:fun; 功能,函数,操作

function 词典解释

1. 功能;作用;职责
    The function of something or someone is the useful thing that they do or are intended to do.

    e.g. The main function of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.

2. 工作;运转;运行
    If a machine or system is functioning, it is working or operating.

    e.g. The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally...
    e.g. Conservation programs cannot function without local support.

3. 发挥功能;起作用;行使职责
    If someone or something functions as a particular thing, they do the work or fulfil the purpose of that thing.

    e.g. On weekdays, one third of the room functions as workspace.

4. (计算机的)功能(指执行的一系列操作)
    A function is a series of operations that a computer performs, for example when a single key or a combination of keys is pressed.

5. 应变量;随他物变化而变化的事物
    If you say that one thing is a function of another, you mean that its amount or nature depends on the other thing.

    e.g. Investment is a function of the interest rate.

6. (正式的)宴会,大型聚会
    A function is a large formal dinner or party.

function 单语例句

1. By " function " I mean presenting great art on its three stages.

2. function什么意思

2. Their operators have to abide by them by the book if these weapons are to function normally and safely.

3. These can effectively activate the immune system of human body and promote the immune function of cells and body fluid.

4. function什么意思

4. Hu also called for scientifically regulating the relationship between Party committees and people's congresses, and to support people's congresses to function according to law.

5. While the more religious individuals were more physically active and also less likely to smoke, these differences didn't account for their better lung function.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. I cannot help but wonder what the function of a new Yuanmingyuan would be.

7. " Drought and environmental degradation have hampered the reservoir's water holding capacity and supply function, " Wang said.

8. Cardiomyopathy is a disease in which the heart muscle becomes inflamed and doesn't function properly.

9. Endothelial function is a measure of the activity of endothelial cells that line the inside of the blood vessels.

10. The degree to which exposure to these contaminants suppresses immune system function has been " underestimated, " Carpenter added.

function 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group

    e.g. the function of a teacher
           the government must do its part
           play its role

    Synonym: office part role

2. what something is used for

    e.g. the function of an auger is to bore holes
           ballet is beautiful but what use is it?

    Synonym: purpose role use

3. function什么意思

3. a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program

    Synonym: routine subroutine subprogram procedure


4. a vaguely specified social event

    e.g. the party was quite an affair
           an occasion arranged to honor the president
           a seemingly endless round of social functions

    Synonym: affair occasion social occasion social function

5. a formal or official social gathering or ceremony

    e.g. it was a black-tie function

6. a relation such that one thing is dependent on another

    e.g. height is a function of age
           price is a function of supply and demand

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)

    Synonym: mathematical function single-valued function map mapping


1. function的近义词

1. perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function

    e.g. His wife officiated as his private secretary

    Synonym: officiate

2. perform as expected when applied

    e.g. The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
           Does this old car still run well?
           This old radio doesn't work anymore

    Synonym: work operate go run

3. serve a purpose, role, or function

    e.g. The tree stump serves as a table
           The female students served as a control group
           This table would serve very well
           His freedom served him well
           The table functions as a desk

    Synonym: serve