
operate [ˈɒpəreɪt]  [ˈɑ:pəreɪt] 






operate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词操作; 经营; 运转; 管理

不及物动词开刀; (对…)动手术; 动手术; (在某地)采取军事行动


operate 相关例句



1. Who operates that machine?

2. The department store is well operated.

3. That business operates in several countries.


1. His company operates in several countries.

2. The machine is not operating properly.

operate 网络解释


1. 操作:它是由一个终端用户/最终用户(end user)操作(operate)的,不需要电脑操作人员(computer operator). 它可以是台式机(desktop computer)、笔记本(laptop computer)或平板电脑(tablet computer).

2. 起作用:例如,在一个波长上起作用(operate)的光交叉上的接口. 在GMPLS中,电路统一用标签交换路径(Label Switched Path)来表示. 在GMPLS中,通过嵌套LSP可以构建一个转发层次(forwarding hierarchy),也就是LSP的层次.

operate 词典解释

1. 经营;管理;运营;运作
    If you operate a business or organization, you work to keep it running properly. If a business or organization operates, it carries out its work.

    e.g. Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.
    e.g. ...allowing commercial banks to operate in the country...

Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.

2. 工作;起作用
    The way that something operates is the way that it works or has a particular effect.

    e.g. Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently...
    e.g. How do accounting records operate?...

Why is it the case that taking part-time work is made so difficult by the operation of the benefit system?

3. 操作,控制,使用(机器、设备等);(机器等)运转,运行
    When you operate a machine or device, or when it operates, you make it work.

    e.g. A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine...
    e.g. The number of fax machines operating around the world has now reached ten million.

...over 1,000 dials monitoring every aspect of the operation of the aeroplane.

4. (对…)动手术
    When surgeons operate on a patient in a hospital, they cut open a patient's body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part.

    e.g. The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries...
    e.g. You examine a patient and then you decide whether or not to operate.

5. (在某一地区)作战,执行任务
    If military forces are operating in a particular region, they are in that place in order to carry out their orders.

    e.g. Up to ten thousand Zimbabwean soldiers are operating in Mozambique...
    e.g. This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French.

operate 单语例句

1. The old man used to operate a travel agency in Hefei, but did little business.

2. The company will continue to operate this business as to maintain a smooth user experience as well as to be prepared for future market potentials.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Many companies worldwide operate CA businesses with several dozen in China alone.

4. operate的近义词

4. Traditional cable TV networks must be digitalized in order to operate IPTV services.

5. China confirmed that it would lower the registered capital requirements for US telecommunications service providers to operate in China.

6. UPS becomes the first US air express and cargo carrier to operate at the airport.

7. The company will operate a cargo transport business between China and Germany, and Pang's company will hold a majority stake.

8. The two carriers are planning to operate one cargo flight per day each from Taoyuan to Guangzhou.

9. It provides unlimited rights to any US carrier that wishes to operate to certain western and northeastern Chinese provinces in greater need of international service.

10. The carrier will operate flights within Tibet Autonomous Region and link the region's capital Lhasa with other major cities around the country.

operate 英英释义



1. operate是什么意思

1. perform surgery on

    e.g. The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life

    Synonym: operate on

2. happen

    e.g. What is going on in the minds of the people?

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense

    Synonym: manoeuver maneuver manoeuvre

4. handle and cause to function

    e.g. do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol
           control the lever

    Synonym: control

5. keep engaged

    e.g. engaged the gears

    Synonym: engage mesh lock

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. perform as expected when applied

    e.g. The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
           Does this old car still run well?
           This old radio doesn't work anymore

    Synonym: function work go run

7. operate是什么意思

7. direct or control
    projects, businesses, etc.

    e.g. She is running a relief operation in the Sudan

    Synonym: run