
gibber [ˈdʒɪbə(r)]  ['dʒɪbər] 








gibber 基本解释



gibber 网络解释

1. 三棱石:gibben plain 砾漠 | gibber 三棱石 | gibberish 无用数据

2. 急促不清楚地说话:Affiliation 入会,亲密关系 | Gibber 急促不清楚地说话 | Machination 策划,阴谋

3. 喋喋而言:gib /凹字形楔/雄猫/ | gibber /喋喋而言/ | gibberella /赤霉菌/

4. 急促不清地说话:(-le 表示重复动作). | gibber 急促不清地说话 | (-er 表示重复动作).

gibber 双语例句

1. The graves stood tenanted and the sheeted dead did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets.

2. A friend, actual Gibber breeder, came along with me.

3. I think they were typical Bossù coming from Spain. Nowadays they would be too big, compared to Gibber.
    我想它们是来自西班牙的典型的 Bossù,现在它们和Gibber相比较是如此的大,我们检查了这些奇迹,它们的姿态是如此的完美,看上去象魔术:僵硬的腿,少量的羽毛和真正的Gibber相比较尺寸较大,非常长的脖子,非常小的头。

4. As they gibber they can let their bodies move -- maybe their hands want to move, or their body starts swaying, dancing, or jumping up and down.

5. So, starting from 1941, we can talk of a standard deriving from previous selection`s years by those pioneers who first breeded with success the ancestors of the actual Gibber.

6. Dominant species were comprised of mainly micro- and meso-zooplankton species and planktonic larvae of benthos such as Parvocalanus crassirostris, Cirripedia nauplius, Oithona attenuata, Acrocalanus gibber, Nauplius, Bivalvia veliger, Copepodite, Oithona simplex and so on.

7. There were five gibber tides of merger and acquisitions in America history, the research of this period the history possesses important guiding significance for further strengthening the management work for our country's merger and acquisitions.

8. What brought me to the woods was the prospect of living on earth with nothing between me and the earth & none of the electronic gibber-jabber.

gibber 词典解释

1. 急促不清地说;语无伦次地说
    If you say that someone is gibbering, you mean that they are talking very fast and in a confused manner.

    e.g. Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches...
    e.g. I was a gibbering wreck by this stage.

gibber 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. unintelligible talking

    Synonym: gibberish


1. chatter inarticulately
    of monkeys

2. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

    Synonym: chatter piffle palaver prate tittle-tattle twaddle clack maunder prattle blab tattle blabber gabble