go to war

go to war [ɡəu tu: wɔ:]  [ɡo tu wɔr] 

go to war 基本解释

动词打仗; 大动干戈; 当兵,开始作战

go to war 相关例句

go to war在线翻译


1. The king decided to go to war against his enemies.

go to war 网络解释

go to war

1. 开始作战:go to the expense of 为...的目的花钱 | go to war 开始作战 | go together 相配;恋爱

2. 交战:go to the sea 出海 | 7.go to war 交战 | go to the war 参军

3. 当兵, 开始作战:parenchymatous cartilage 实质软骨 | go to war 当兵, 开始作战 | latent immunization 隐性免疫作用

4. 开战,战争:227.go to sea 到海外,充水手. | 228.go to war 开战,战争. | 229.go without saying 不言而知,毋须说得.

go to war 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Scholars called it the first piracy case to go to trial since the Civil War, when a New York jury deadlocked on charges against 13 Southern privateers.

2. go to war的意思

2. The row comes at a difficult time for Bush's close ally Tony Blair, also under pressure over his decision to go to war.

3. NATO leaders issued a united declaration of support on Thursday for efforts to disarm Iraq, papering over deep differences on the US threat to go to war.

4. Iran didn't even need to go to war since they got US to do the dirty work.

5. Bush cited intelligence suggesting that Iraq was aggressively pursuing unconventional weapons programs as a key justification for his decision to go to war in 2003.

6. go to war的翻译

6. Franklin Roosevelt didn't want to go to war - but he knew defeating tyranny demanded it.

7. But Bush did not plan to elaborate further on when it is necessary to go to war.

8. We need to go at the task as though we are mobilizing for war.

9. Experts stressed there is indication that the Israeli government has war aims that go beyond inflicting serious damage to the Hamas military machine.

10. go to war

10. As the listing cost in the United States is expected to go down even more, the war of the bourses for Chinese affections will only get fiercer.

go to war 英英释义



1. commence hostilities

    Synonym: take arms take up arms