take up arms

take up arms[teik ʌp ɑ:mz] 

take up arms 基本解释

动词拿起武器; 操戈; 动刀动枪

take up arms 网络解释

1. 拿起武器:fork chain 支链four | take up arms 拿起武器 | best finish 上等膘头, 优良的膘肥度, 壮膘

2. 拿起武器,起来斗争:take part in 参加 | take place 发生 | take up arms 拿起武器,起来斗争

3. 作笔记:请假 take notes | 作笔记 take up arms | 拿起武器 take one's place

take up arms 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Critics have said the purge left a security vacuum and encouraged former regime loyalists to take up arms against the newly installed government.

2. It was the latest strike against local tribesmen who have been encouraged by the government to take up arms against the Taliban.

3. But it should be asked what forced him to take up arms.

4. Even many Iraqis who would not take up arms against the Americans still want troops to leave soon.

5. He never imaged he would someday take up arms against these " friends ".

6. Turner is accused in Connecticut of urging people to " take up arms " against state legislators.

take up arms 英英释义

take up arms


1. take up arms的反义词

1. commence hostilities

    Synonym: go to war take arms