


ideologies 基本解释
意识形态;思想意识;思想( ideology的名词复数 );观念形态;
ideologies 单语例句

1. It is more reminiscent of a veteran's campfire tales than a director's commentary on national ideologies.

2. ideologies的近义词

2. The conventional safety cooperation model is based on common values and ideologies.

3. More often than not, our cultures and ideologies are too divergent to generate identical perceptions.

4. It also fostered mainstream cultural values, ideologies and institutions that remained central to dynastic China.

5. On the contrary, both were the most eloquent spokesmen of different political ideologies of the last century.

6. He said Kabul has stressed " that terrorism and the ideologies of extremism and radicalism are spawned beyond the borders of Afghanistan ".

7. Only the fire of liberty can purge the ideologies of murder by offering hope to those who yearn to live free.

8. He said he followed his Marxist ideologies to China, but he quickly learned its political system could not be duplicated in Europe.

9. Some would argue that two countries with distinct political systems and ideologies are bound to head down the irreversible path of confrontation and rivalry.

10. Only by being more tolerant toward their diverse political ideologies can they create more hope and confidence in their strategic ties.