
ideology [ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi]  [ˌaɪdiˈɑ:lədʒi] 



ideology 基本解释

名词意识形态; 思想(体系),思想意识; 观念学; 空想,空论

ideology 网络解释


1. 思想意识:美国中央忄青报局曾经用一个经典的合成单词总结出一个人背叛自己祖国或组织的王里由--MICE--金钱(Money)、思想意识(Ideology)、良心(Conscience)和自负(Ego).

ideology 词典解释

1. 意识形态;思想体系;思想方式
    An ideology is a set of beliefs, especially the political beliefs on which people, parties, or countries base their actions.

    e.g. ...capitalist ideology.

ideology 单语例句

1. ideology

1. The Party School of the Central Committee and the China National School of Administration focus mostly on theory and ideology.

2. Reforms not only liberated the national economy from ideology and overall central planning, but also upgraded the CPC's thinking and skills for administration.

3. Several decades ago when the political ideology of class struggle was dominant, the judicial system was considered a tool of proletarian dictatorship.

4. Since the end of the Cold War, the West no longer completely used ideology to classify world countries.

5. What we lack is an ideology that places social cohesion on the top of the public housing policy agenda.

6. The fundamental reason is that the two countries share the same ideology and values and have a lot of common ground and complementary strategic interests.

7. Because of ideology, the consecration of learning as a traditional value was undermined by the recommendation system.

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8. Zhao said apart from limited conditions, officials'ideology and concepts also constrain Guizhou's development.

9. ideology的翻译

9. The ideology of Eurafrica shows that Europe is increasingly feeling unsafe, and is eager to find a partner to create a counterweight to Chimerica.

10. Merkel's government does not include Germany's Greens, but the Green ideology has become a widely shared national creed in Germany.

ideology 英英释义


1. imaginary or visionary theorization

2. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

    Synonym: political orientation political theory