
illicit [ɪˈlɪsɪt]  [ɪˈlɪsɪt] 

illicit 基本解释


形容词不正当的; 法律不许可的,非法的

illicit 网络解释

1. 非法的,禁止的:illegalincome不合法收入 | Illicit非法的,禁止的 | illicitbankruptcy违法的破产

2. 不合法的:27 intangible 无形的 | 28 illicit 不合法的 = illegal | 29 diagonal 对角线的

3. 非法的:humanitarian aid人道主义援助 | illicit非法的 | indemnity赔偿

4. 违法的:impartial#公平的 | illicit#违法的 | impassible#无知觉的

illicit 词典解释

1. 非法的;违禁的;不正当的
    An illicit activity or substance is not allowed by law or the social customs of a country.

    e.g. Dante clearly condemns illicit love.
    e.g. ...information about the use of illicit drugs.

illicit 单语例句

1. Although there was no illicit personal gain made by the officials, their choice points to an unsettling moral degeneration in the ranks of our public servants.

2. That Beijing's action on illicit immigration was misinterpreted has much to do with the lack of specifics in the current laws about due procedure.


3. He said cannabis remained the principal illicit drug in Pacific island nations.

4. The ongoing housecleaning in our drug administration is a popular prescription to break the notorious chain of illicit interests within government offices.

5. It specifies that people who use illicit drugs or are addicted to alcohol or gambling should not be employed in posts involving state secrets.


6. Chow rejected the suggestion that tobacco duty increase would prompt smokers to buy illicit cigarettes, saying the government is determined to crack down on illicit cigarettes.

7. illicit的近义词

7. The government Friday vowed to clamp down on illicit stock issues and brokerages, saying such activities are becoming widespread and undermining social stability and financial security.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The joint operation sought to crack down on illicit operations in the area, which had previously escaped detection by keeping their doors closed during the day.

9. Tan said the two countries signed an agreement in 2009 to work closely together to prevent illicit trafficking of archaeological objects.

10. That was what the Communist Party of China's top discipline watchdog told Party members who took advantage of public powers for illicit personal gains.

illicit 英英释义



1. contrary to or forbidden by law

    e.g. an illegitimate seizure of power
           illicit trade
           an outlaw strike
           unlawful measures

    Synonym: illegitimate outlaw(a) outlawed unlawful

2. illicit的解释

2. contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention

    e.g. an illicit association with his secretary