
inadequacy [ɪnˈædɪkwəsi]  [ɪnˈædɪkwəsi] 


inadequacy 基本解释

名词不充分,不适当; 不完全; [医]官能不足,机能不全; 不十分

inadequacy 网络解释

1. 不适用:1965 inactive securities 呆滞证券 | 1966 inadequacy 不适用 | 1967 inadmitted asset 不承保资产

2. 不足:inactive tuberculosis 非活动性结核 | inadequacy 不足 | inanition 营养不足

3. 不充分:inadaptable 不能适应的 | inadequacy 不充分 | inadequate 不充分的

4. 不适当:inadaptive phase 不适应阶段 | inadequacy 不适当 | inadequate 不适当的

inadequacy 词典解释

1. inadequacy

1. 不足;不完备
    The inadequacy of something is the fact that there is not enough of it, or that it is not good enough.

    e.g. ...the inadequacy of the water supply...
    e.g. The inadequacies of the current system have already been recognised...

2. 不够格;能力不足;无法胜任
    If someone has feelings of inadequacy, they feel that they do not have the qualities and abilities necessary to do something or to cope with life in general.

    e.g. The feeling of inadequacy was overpowering.
    e.g. ...his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.

inadequacy 单语例句

1. inadequacy的翻译

1. Decades after Mao Zedong famously remarked that women " hold up half the sky, " academics continue to point out the inadequacy of women's rights.

2. inadequacy是什么意思

2. The foreign capital China brings in makes up for the inadequacy of capital for development.

3. inadequacy的翻译

3. Moreover the purchase of a map will be really helpful as in some locations of the park there is an inadequacy of signage.

4. inadequacy

4. Those concerns range from the inadequacy of prenatal examinations to conflicts in health care beliefs and practice.

5. According to the report, the inadequacy of firefighting facilities seriously challenges the city's ability to deal with fires.

6. In fact, it is the inadequacy of our food safety watchdogs that has caused the scandals.

7. In case of inadequacy compared with these Measures after implementation, these Measures may be implemented as a supplement.

8. Brooks also pointed to China's inadequacy in protecting intellectual property as another concern of American business.

9. It will also evaluate the government's preparedness to cope with possible deterioration of the situation and direct measures to be taken to augment any inadequacy.

10. I had inklings of it to be sure, and warned of the inadequacy of some of what I saw.

inadequacy 英英释义



1. unsatisfactoriness by virtue of being inadequate

    Synonym: inadequateness

2. lack of an adequate quantity or number

    e.g. the inadequacy of unemployment benefits

    Synonym: insufficiency deficiency

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a lack of competence

    e.g. pointed out the insufficiencies in my report
           juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents

    Synonym: insufficiency