
insufficiency [ˌɪnsə'fɪʃənsɪ]  [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənsi] 


insufficiency 基本解释


insufficiency 网络解释

1. (印锡不足):Smear(印锡模糊) | Insufficiency(印锡不足) | Needle Clogging(针孔堵塞)

2. 机能不全:instrumentation 测验装备 | insufficiency 机能不全 | insufficiency of accommodation 调节障碍 调节障碍

3. 不充分性:instrumentla fucction 仪器功能 | insufficiency 不充分性 | insulated body 绝缘体

4. 不足:Insufficiency or Illegibility of Marks 标志不当或不清 | insufficiency 不足 | insufficient fund 存款不足

insufficiency 单语例句

1. That also helped make up for the country's capital insufficiency and contributed much to its economic advancement.

2. insufficiency的反义词

2. A mild drought is brought about by less than average precipitation, dry air near the ground and slight insufficiency of soil moisture.

3. Free download resources are doomed to disappear, and the resulted insufficiency of good music will bring pain.

4. Insufficiency has been an outstanding bottleneck in the development of basic education throughout China.

5. The country's huge volume of foreign reserves and its insufficiency in oil storage put its economic development under threat.

6. insufficiency的翻译

6. Zhou says the project is by no means perfect and complaints about the insufficiency of resources can occasionally be heard.

7. insufficiency是什么意思

7. It is not unusual for seafarers to depend on medicines for making up with their insufficiency of vitamins.

8. In Europe and Asia, most nations have resorted to higher taxation to mitigate pressures on their oil insufficiency.

9. When it comes to wealth distribution, inequality is more worrisome than insufficiency in our culture.

10. On the contrary, the nation had long suffered a foreign reserve insufficiency until recent years.

insufficiency 英英释义



1. lack of an adequate quantity or number

    e.g. the inadequacy of unemployment benefits

    Synonym: inadequacy deficiency

2. (pathology) inability of a bodily part or organ to function normally

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3. a lack of competence

    e.g. pointed out the insufficiencies in my report
           juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents

    Synonym: inadequacy