1. 耶利米哀歌:<<耶利米哀歌>>(Lamentations)顾名思义,就是耶利米的哀歌(The Lamenta-tions of Jeremiah),相传为耶利米(<<圣经>>中的人物,希伯来先知)所创,是一种用于天主教堂仪式的以素歌之曲调为基础的单线条的宗教合唱(有别于复调合唱).
2. 耶利米哀歌 哀歌:耶利米哀歌哀歌Lamentations | 以西结书厄则克耳Ezekiel | 但以理书达尼尔Daniel
3. 耶热弥亚之哀歌:44 耶热弥亚书 Jeremiah | 45 瓦如赫书 Baruth | 46 耶热弥亚之哀歌 Lamentations
1. All last week the rightwing papers here rustled with the lamentations of the privileged, wailing about a new class war.
2. But the furor caused by the negative reporting about China compels me to add my lamentations here.
3. We have been hearing lamentations about the falling quality of higher education and against academic corruption all these years.