
liquor [ˈlɪkə(r)]  [ˈlɪkɚ] 








liquor 基本解释

名词酒,烈性酒; 含酒精饮料

及物动词浸泡; 喝酒

liquor 相关例句



1. He often liquors up before he goes to bed.


1. Are brandy and other liquors available here?

2. Men in liquor must be handled differently.

liquor 情景对话



A:Anything to declare?

B:No, nothing.

A:What’s this? Open this box, please.

B:Souvenir for my wife.

A:Is liquor or cigarette here?

B:One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. Is it taxable?

A:No. It’s OK.

liquor 网络解释


1. (烈)酒:对於酒类产品进口,尚须课徵附加税(impuesto adicional)(亦即酒税),其分类方式为含酒精饮料及不含酒精饮料两种:含酒精饮料包括(1)烈酒(Liquor)、Piscos酒(智利及秘鲁一种葡萄蒸馏酒类)、威士忌酒、白兰地酒(Aguardientes)及蒸馏酒类,

2. 烈性酒:仅面条(noodle)就有40多种. 葱卷、馄饨、通心粉当作菜用. 意大利的菜以原汁原味而闻名,味道浓香. 吃饭时离不开饮料,饭前喝开胃酒、果汁和矿泉水,席间喝点红、白葡萄酒,汽水. 饭后喝咖啡或茶,也有人喜欢喝点烈性酒(liquor). 5. 荷兰人(D

3. 酒:即便拿到一本部头酒单也请镇静自如,大部分酒单一如菜单,按上菜先后顺序从开胃酒(Aperitif)、白葡萄酒(WhiteWine)、红葡萄酒(RedWine)、甜点酒(Dessert/Sweet)、参后酒(Liquor)的顺序排列.

liquor 词典解释

1. (威士忌、伏特加、杜松子酒等)烈性酒
    Strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky, vodka, and gin can be referred to as liquor.

    e.g. The room was filled with cases of liquor.
    e.g. ...intoxicating liquors.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 spirits
liquor 单语例句

1. Beijing police said they have busted 10 gangs involving almost 90 people suspected of producing and selling fake Chinese liquor in a recent crackdown.

2. Han said bringing financing into liquor trading allows buyers to track the market of listed companies and know when to buy in or sell out.

3. liquor的解释

3. Wine is making its way into a country dominated by hard liquor and beer, becoming a choice beverage for more drinkers.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. " I want to take strong action against those manufacturing and selling illegal liquor, " Banerjee told a regional television station in Kolkata late on Wednesday.

5. Experts say that the bottle is overpriced and the value of the actual liquor is uncertain.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. We get our shaoxing from suppliers that draw our liters from huge brown ceramic vats varnished with age and pickled by the liquor it holds.

7. His wife has kept him from liquor ever since he was diagnosed with cerebral thrombosis.

8. liquor的反义词

8. The types of alcohol most characteristic of the Chinese are yellow wine and white liquor.

9. liquor的翻译

9. These are best washed down with homemade cherry and scorpion liquor, followed by a sobering dose of wild jujube tea.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The Chinese government has moved to rein in producers of Chinese white liquor.

liquor 英英释义


1. liquor

1. the liquid in which vegetables or meat have be cooked

    Synonym: pot liquor pot likker

2. an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

    Synonym: spirits booze hard drink hard liquor John Barleycorn strong drink

3. a liquid substance that is a solution (or emulsion or suspension) used or obtained in an industrial process

    e.g. waste liquors