load up

load up [ləud ʌp]  [lod ʌp] 

load up 基本解释


(使)载满, (使)负重, (给…)装货; 加负荷

load up 词典解释

1. -> see load 1

load up 单语例句

1. But I might load up on disposable packs of food and drink first, just in case I really get lost.

2. load up的意思

2. This is the minimum that must be spent on a card, but many customers load up their cards for convenience.

3. They also load up on designer goods at the city's boutiques.

4. It landed in Prague to load up 600 camp beds and 14 large tents donated by the Czechs.

5. In the next ten years, it should take up 50% of the city's total transportation load.

6. The street sprinkler drove up to the group and managed to put the blaze out with its load.

load up 英英释义

load up


1. fill or place a load on

    e.g. load a car
           load the truck with hay

    Synonym: load lade laden