
longer [ˈlɒŋgə(r)]  [ˈlɔ:ŋ] 








longer 基本解释
比较久的;长的( long的比较级 );长时间的;似乎比实际时间长的;长音的;
longer 网络解释

1. 长远:13、Always on my mind 常驻我心 | 14、Longer 长远 | 15、Tell Laura I love 告诉罗拉我爱她

2. 比较久的 比较久:back talk <口>回嘴, 顶嘴(尤指对上级或长辈的顶撞),反唇相讥 | longer 比较久的 比较久 | according to plan 按照计划

3. 漫长:11 When you believe 心存相信 | 12 Longer漫长 | 13 La isla bonita 美丽海岛

longer 单语例句

1. Rail passengers faced longer journeys after fears of buckled tracks led to speed limits being imposed across the country.

2. The existing limit on the amount of salary domestic firms can deduct as business expenses will no longer apply.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. Although Bai no longer had to worry about his school expenses, he never stopped seeking business opportunities.

4. longer在线翻译

4. Some Little Sheep restaurants have even extended their business hours to take advantage of the longer daylight hours during summer.

5. Some banks will also have longer business hours to offer services and consulting.

6. China's securities watchdog said share repurchase would no longer need approval on Sept 21, making it easier for listed companies to buy back their stocks.

7. longer是什么意思

7. Under the proposed system, countries would no longer have to buy up foreign currencies.

8. longer什么意思

8. One International artist's agent says with more and more international shows playing here, the Chinese market is no longer buying based only on overseas reputation.

9. longer的翻译

9. There's so much growth that it can no longer be harvested by hand - harvesting machines are required.

10. For students who have been told the jobs they were offered are no longer there, it is by no means easy to find positions at other companies.

longer 英英释义


1. a person with a strong desire for something

    e.g. a longer for money
           a thirster after blood
           a yearner for knowledge

    Synonym: thirster yearner


1. longer的翻译

1. for more time

    e.g. can I stay bit longer?