1. 潛鳥:鸟类包括雁鸭、潜鸟(Loon)、鸊鷉、燕鸥等其三百五十多种. 公园裡鸟语花香,溪流潺潺,风光自然,还建立了游乐园和高尔夫球场,供来访的游客作多样化的选择.
2. 笨人、蠢人:loop 圆环 | loon 笨人、蠢人 | lout 笨人、蠢人
3. 懒人:looming 上现蜃景 | loon 懒人 | loony 发狂的
4. 笨蛋:coon 粗汉 | loon 笨蛋 | goon 暴徒
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back
related to the grebes
Synonym: diver
2. a worthless lazy fellow
3. a person with confused ideas
incapable of serious thought
Synonym: addle-head addlehead birdbrain