
lumper ['lʌmpə]  ['lʌmpə] 

lumper 基本解释

名词码头工人,居间人; 堆合分类者

lumper 网络解释

1. 码头工人, 居间人:bead lock ring 轮胎侧边的撑圈 | lumper 码头工人, 居间人 | extended credit 展延信用证, 附带预支条款的循环信用证

2. 码头工人:lumped 成块的 | lumper 码头工人 | lumpsum charter freight 整笔租船费

3. 脚夫:385. 码头工人 longshoreman | 386. 脚夫 lumper | 387. 海盗 pirate

4. 居间人:lumpen 无业游民的 | lumper 居间人 | lumpily 多瘤地

lumper 双语例句

1. If you utilize lumper services you can cut your operations costs down.
    如果你利用 lumper 服务,你可以将你的行动降低成本。


2. For the majority of my 50 year career of owning and training dogs I have been a lumper and I am not proud of it.

3. The plane will fly away from Kuala Lumper in 20 minutes.

4. A lumper is someone who does not split an exercise into component parts.

5. Recently, Kuala Lumper beat Chicago in a battle of skyscrapers.

6. A trainer can become a lumper if they get ahead of themselves and don't properly split an exercise.

7. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kuala Lumper on CX.

8. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kuala Lumper on MH.

9. Comparing with the populations of Canton, Kunming, Sanhutan, Sumoto, and Kuala Lumper, we come to the conclusion that D. albomicans caught in Shanghai and areas nearby is from a few of places in the south of China-mainland.

10. The great literary histories of Bellarmine, Fabricius, Du Pin, Cave, Oudin, Schram, Lumper, Ziegelbauer, and Schoenemann will be found below in the bibliography.
    伟大的文学史bellarmine ,黄,杜品,洞窟,oudin ,施拉姆,lumper ,齐格尔鲍尔,舍内曼会被发现下面在书目。

11. For the majority of my50 year career of owning and training dogs I have been a lumper and I am not proud of it.

12. Kuala Lumper Agenda on ASEAN Youth Development

lumper 英英释义


1. a taxonomist who classifies organisms into large groups on the basis of major characteristics

2. a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

    Synonym: stevedore loader longshoreman docker dockhand dock worker dockworker dock-walloper