1. 失调,不能适应环境的:intervene 插入,干扰 | maladjusted 失调,不能适应环境的 | maladroit 笨拙的
2. 失调的:malacology 软体动物学 | maladjusted 失调的 | maladjustment 失调
3. 不适应环境的:malacotomy 软部切开术 | maladjusted 不适应环境的 | maladjustment 欠整理
4. 调整不良:maladie 病 | maladjusted 调整不良 | maladjustment 顺应不良 失配 适应不良
1. 心理失调的;不能适应环境的;适应不良的
If you describe a child as maladjusted, you mean that they have psychological problems and behave in a way which is not acceptable to society.
e.g. ...a school for maladjusted children.
1. not well adjusted
e.g. a maladjusted carburetor
2. poorly adjusted to demands and stresses of daily living
e.g. a maladjusted child
3. emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships
Synonym: disturbed