1. 兆赫:多年以来,英特尔一直坚持以兆赫(megahertz)来标名处理器,但megahertz只是处理器性能的一个方面. 英特尔最后终于跟随AMD,采用了数字标号法(modelnumbers)来区分处理器.
2. 百万赫:在今年的Microprocessor Forum,国际商业机器(IBM)个人系统与记忆装置部门的副总裁Robert Morris在其开场演说中表示,不要再管百万赫(Megahertz)及百万位元组(Me尽管近来有几家公司纷纷提出其第三季营收与获利不如预期的警讯,
3. 兆赫兹:ANTENNA 大线 | MEGAHERTZ 兆赫兹 | CURVATURE 弯曲 曲度
4. megahertz:mhz; 兆赫
1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. 兆赫
A megahertz is a unit of frequency, used especially for radio frequencies. One megahertz equals one million cycles per second.
e.g. ...UHF frequencies of around 900 megahertz.
1. The agency voted to auction 4 megahertz of wireless airwaves by the end of 2005, but left open how the airwaves would be divided between bidders.
1. one million periods per second
Synonym: MHz megacycle per second megacycle Mc