
mill [mɪl]  [mɪl] 








mill 基本解释

名词磨坊; 工厂; 磨粉机; 榨汁机

及物动词研磨,粉碎; 搅拌; 磨,铣; 轧花边(在纸币上)

不及物动词惊跑,乱闯; 经研磨

mill 相关词组

1. in the mill : 在制造中;

mill 相关例句


1. I watched them mill the grain into flour.


1. There's a huge crowd of people milling around in front of the theater.


1. Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill.

2. The farmer took his corn to the mill.

3. She works in a textile mill.

mill 网络解释

1. 铣削:Mastercam X2 铣削(Mill) 的功能体验Mastercam X2 铣削(Mill) 的实用性功能. 等Z剩余料粗铣加工(remachining)能识别哪些需要用小刀去加工的区域并实施加工. . 等Z剩余材质铣削加工(remachining)能识别那些需要用小刀去加工的区域并实施加工,

2. 磨坊:1:磨坊(Mill)存放5种粮食、野味、鱼肉、盐和调味品. 容量为32但是分为8块存放地,纵然某种物资的数量为1也要占用一块存放地,而这块存放地纵然尚有空间也不克插入其他物资. 可以设置装备摆设该磨坊是否承诺存放某种物资和承诺该物资的最大存放量,

3. 工厂:行人(walker)分为定向(destination)和自由(random)两种;定向行人能够自动前往其目标,比如食品店的采购员(Food shop buyer),能够自动以最短的路线前往符合要求的最近的那个食品工厂(mill).

4. 銑床:第5行将转换为注释机床类别为铣床(MILL)及机床号(1#). 第6行转换成注释程序坐标值的单位为(mm). 第7行转换为转换调用刀具号T10. 第8行转换为注释本段程序所使用刀具的直径(25mm). 第9、10、11行为注释座标系的方向可略去不管.

mill 词典解释

1. mill

1. 磨坊;磨粉厂
    A mill is a building in which grain is crushed to make flour.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 磨粉机;碾磨器
    A mill is a small device used for grinding something such as coffee beans or pepper into powder.

    e.g. ...a pepper mill.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. (制造加工钢材、羊毛、棉花等的)工厂
    A mill is a factory used for making and processing materials such as steel, wool, or cotton.

    e.g. ...a steel mill.
    e.g. ...a textile mill.

4. (用磨粉机)碾碎,磨碎(麦子、胡椒等)
    To mill something such as wheat or pepper means to grind it in a mill.

    e.g. They mill 1,000 tonnes of flour a day in every Australian state.
    e.g. ...freshly milled black pepper.

5. see also: milling;rolling mill;run-of-the-mill;watermill. grist to the mill
     -> see grist

相关词组:mill around

mill 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Dou should have learned to ignore the buzzing and rumbling of the gossip mill.

2. But life is getting on normally as trucks full of sugar cane are rushing between sugar farms and a refinery mill.

3. Mill also said it was improbable Chan would risk fraudulently laying claim to Wang's billions, given he was already flush with cash.

4. On November 6 of last year, 48 residents living near a paper mill were hospitalized after a chlorine container leaked.

5. mill的近义词

5. The Cold Hollow Cider Mill is the largest producer of fresh apple cider in the northeastern United States.

6. More than three hundred thousand people visit the mill each year to see how fresh apples get crushed into cider.

7. " The judge made fundamental errors in his approach in evaluating the evidence, " Mill told the city's Court of Appeal.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Jiang says this realization became even clearer when he met an elderly rice mill operator who lives near the school.

9. The Coffee Mill of Jamaica on the Pudong hotel's ground floor is said to be the first company from the Caribbean to operate locally.

10. mill的反义词

10. While the overall effect of the exhibition was stunning in its concentration of masterpieces, it needed more space to allow people to mill around.

mill 英英释义



1. mill在线翻译

1. the act of grinding to a powder or dust

    Synonym: grind pulverization pulverisation

2. a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing

    Synonym: factory manufacturing plant manufactory

3. machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

    Synonym: grinder milling machinery


1. grind with a mill

    e.g. mill grain

2. roll out (metal) with a rolling machine

3. produce a ridge around the edge of

    e.g. mill a coin

4. mill的反义词

4. move about in a confused manner

    Synonym: mill about mill around