
mirth [mɜ:θ]  [mɜ:rθ] 

mirth 基本解释


mirth 同义词


名词levity glee amusement fun laughter merriment joy

mirth 反义词


名词sadness melancholy sorrow grief

mirth 相关例句



1. His anger gave place to mirth.

mirth 网络解释

1. 欢欣鼓舞:现在看还真是的,只要兽王一出现,就好像给玩家加持了魔法--欢欣鼓舞(Mirth)似的,玩家的士气哗哗地往上冒啊!"他很有可能使用了高等的伪装大法(Disguise)伪装成兽王乐用很肯定的语气说道.

2. 高兴的:orison 祈祷 | mirth 高兴的 | lear 模糊

3. 欢笑:mirror 镜子 | mirth 欢笑 | mirthful 愉快的

4. 高兴:image 形像 | mirth 高兴 | mirthless 不高兴的

mirth 词典解释

1. 欢笑;欢乐
    Mirth is amusement which you express by laughing.

    e.g. That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and sports masters alike...
    e.g. It was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks.

mirth 单语例句

1. mirth

1. Confusing and sometimes ridiculous translations on the country's menus provoke the mirth of expatriates, and even cause misunderstanding on China's dietary habits.

2. Confusing and sometimes ridiculous translations on the country's menus provoke the mirth of foreigners, and even cause misunderstanding on China's dietary habits.

3. It's also worth noting that my English surname has been the subject of confusion and great mirth.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. A sign at Cambridge University - home to many of Britain's more prestigious brains over the centuries - has prompted mirth over a simple misspelling.

mirth 英英释义


1. great merriment

    Synonym: hilarity mirthfulness glee gleefulness