
miscarriage [ˈmɪskærɪdʒ]  [ˈmɪsˌkærɪdʒ, mɪsˈkær-] 


miscarriage 基本解释


名词流产,早产; (信件等的)误投,误送; 失策,失败

miscarriage 网络解释


1. 失败, 误送, [医]流产:Caddoan 喀多语 | miscarriage 失败, 误送, [医]流产 | water crane sign 水鹤标志

2. 小产:Menorrhagia 经血过多 | Miscarriage 小产 | Miscarriage: Warning Signs 先兆小产

3. 失败;误投:miscalibration刻度错误 | miscarriage失败;误投 | miscellanea杂集

miscarriage 词典解释

1. 小产;流产
    If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, her baby dies and she gives birth to it before it is properly formed.

miscarriage 单语例句

1. miscarriage的翻译

1. Women are being advised to cut out caffeine during the first three months of pregnancy, to help reduce their risk of having a miscarriage.

2. And they said the research may finally put to rest conflicting reports about the link between caffeine consumption and miscarriage.

3. The new rules also stipulate that medical fees incurred during childbirth or miscarriage would be covered by the maternity insurance fund.

4. The draft regulation also obliges employers to cover medical costs of childbirth and miscarriage.

5. miscarriage的解释

5. The procedure carries a 1 percent risk of miscarriage compared to no additional risk of miscarriage from a maternal blood test.

6. " So many causes of miscarriage are not controllable, " she said in a telephone interview.

7. miscarriage在线翻译

7. Ontario's top court declared Truscott a victim of a miscarriage of justice last August and acquitted him.

8. The harmful side effects include miscarriage, premature delivery and defects in babies.

9. Shortly after they split, she revealed that she had suffered an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage during the marriage.

10. About 15 percent of recognized pregnancies will end in a miscarriage, studies have found.

miscarriage 英英释义


1. a natural loss of the products of conception

    Synonym: spontaneous abortion stillbirth

2. failure of a plan

    Synonym: abortion