
mugwump [ˈmʌgwʌmp]  [ˈmʌɡˌwʌmp] 

mugwump 基本解释

名词骑墙派; 大人物; <美>(政治上的)超然派; (论争中的)中立者

mugwump 网络解释


1. 超然派:mugwort 艾属植物 | mugwump 超然派 | mujik 农夫

2. 獨行俠:Mugs 馬革斯 | Mugwump 獨行俠 | Mumatic 穆瑪提克

3. 大人物,首脑:. Peachy: 极好的,漂亮的 | . Mugwump: 大人物,首脑 | . Doggerel: 打油诗

4. 中立的政治家:mugwort 艾属植物 | mugwump 中立的政治家 | mugwump 老大

mugwump 双语例句


1. It's first Supreme Mugwump was Pierre Bonaccord, but the Wizarding community from Liechtenstein objected.


2. The head of the International Confederation of Wizards is called the Supreme Mugwump.

3. Recently, Chinese chairman point out the harmonious opinion that we have to try our best to build persistent peace and flourish together on the meeting of mugwump U. N.


4. Recently, the chairman of China proposed the advocation of building lasting peace and common prosperous harmonious society in the UN mugwump meeting.

5. First Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, a position later held by none other than Albus Dumbledore.


6. They have their own peace keeper, their own fund, their own bank, and 15 states mugwump conferrence held annually, just as those of UN. Under management of ECWAS, economy rapidly developed in 15 countries of West Africa, demos enjoy peace life and work, visa exemption between 15 countries becoming research object of many economists.

7. From now on, interzone is strictly mugwump territory.

8. Secretly investigate mugwump of every state's government and fund condition that world financial organization embezzle designated fund;

9. Secretly investigate mugwump of every state`s government and fund condition that world financial organization embezzle designated fund

mugwump 英英释义



1. a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)

    Synonym: independent fencesitter