
never [ˈnevə(r)]  [ˈnɛvɚ] 

never 基本解释

副词从不,从来没有; 一点也不,决不; <口>不会…吧,没有; 不曾

never 反义词


never 相关词组

1. never so much as : 甚至不;

2. never the : 毫不(更...);

3. never so : 非常;

never 相关例句



1. I have never been there.

2. You never left the key in the lock!

3. Never mind.

4. He answered never a word.

5. Never too Old to Learn is an idiom.

never 情景对话



A:I (never knew/ didn’t know/ would have never guessed) that.

B:Yeah, well it’s true.


A:I could never (get used to/ grow accustomed to) it, though.

B:It’s not too bad


A:We’re never going to (get to the end of this one/ finish this movie/see the result).

B:That’s right.

never 网络解释

1. 绝不:(3)N:绝不(Never)使它消失:你必须加强你的自我意识. (4)F:以你的自我心像成就(Fulfil)你自己:它是你的知心好友. (5)I:以慈爱灌注(Infuse)你的自我心像~~~~~~在你遭遇艰难困阻的时候. (6)D:每天培植(Develop)它:只有你的真正自我意识,

2. never:nn; 人工神经网络

never 词典解释

1. never的意思

1. 从不;永不
    Never means at no time in the past or at no time in the future.

    e.g. I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens...
    e.g. Never had he been so free of worry...

2. never的近义词

2. 决不;千万不
    Never means 'not in any circumstances at all'.

    e.g. I would never do anything to hurt him...
    e.g. Even if you are desperate to get married, never let it show...

3. 永不,永无,从未(never的强调说法)
    Never ever is an emphatic way of saying 'never'.

    e.g. I never, ever sit around thinking, 'What shall I do next?'...
    e.g. He's vowed never ever to talk about anything personal in public, ever again.

4. (指过去)不,没有
    Never is used to refer to the past and means 'not'.

    e.g. He never achieved anything...
    e.g. He waited until all the luggage was cleared, but Paula's never appeared...

5. (表示惊讶)不会!不可能!
    You say 'never!' to indicate how surprised or shocked you are by something that someone has just said.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. (表示惊讶)我真没看到(或发现、想到)过
    You say 'Well, I never' to indicate that you are very surprised about something that you have just seen or found out.

    e.g. 'What were you up to there?' — 'I was head of the information department.' — 'Well I never!'

7. (经常为幽默地表示)不好,不行,不合适
    If you say that something will never do or would never do, you are saying, often humorously, that you think it is not appropriate or not suitable in some way.

    e.g. It would never do to have Henry there in her apartment...
    e.g. I don't think it is an example of bad writing myself, otherwise I'd be agreeing with Leavis, and that would never do.

8. never fear -> see fear
    never mind -> see mind

never 单语例句

1. Although Bai no longer had to worry about his school expenses, he never stopped seeking business opportunities.

2. The manager of a restaurant close to the center said business had never been so good since the Shenzhou VII mission began on Sept 25.

3. A Beijing Business Today report quoted Zhuang as saying the company does not have a production base here and has never considered setting up one.

4. Cruise also revealed he feared he would never make it as a Hollywood businessman - frequently doubting his ability throughout his career.

5. Never count on mothers to buy Sanlu milk for their babies just because a national industry will collapse otherwise.

6. Standard Chartered has never ruled out the possibility of buying another domestic bank if it can meet the bank's rigid strategic and financial standards.

7. It is resolutely opposed to " Taiwan independence " and would never allow anyone to split Taiwan away from China by any means.

8. " We will never allow the Taiwan secessionist forces to separate Taiwan from China in any name and by any means ".

9. never

9. The government should never try to influence the stock market by any means.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Jia warned the Chinese government would never allow anyone to split Taiwan from China by any means.

never 英英释义


1. not ever
    at no time in the past or future

    e.g. I have never been to China
           I shall never forget this day
           had never seen a circus
           never on Sunday
           I will never marry you!

    Synonym: ne'er

2. not at all
    certainly not
    not in any circumstances

    e.g. never fear
           bringing up children is never easy
           that will never do
           what is morally wrong can never be politically right