
observation [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn]  [ˌɑ:bzərˈveɪʃn] 


observation 基本解释


名词观察; 观察力; 评论; 观察所得

observation 相关词组


1. under observation : 受到观察;

observation 相关例句



1. They decided to put him under observation.

2. I have a few observations to make on your conduct.

3. Give me your observations on what's happened.

4. Keep him under observation.

5. He is a man of little observation.

observation 网络解释

1. 观察法:演示法(Presentation Methods)是指将受训者作为信息的被动接受者的一些培训方法.主要包括传统的讲座法,远程学习法及视听技术学习.l 教学方法:...演示法 (showing) 观察法(observation) 讨论法(disscussion) 练习法(ptacticing) 听、

2. 觀察值:通常将每次所取样品测定的结果称为一个观察值(observation),以y表示. 理论上这批大豆种子的蛋白质含量有一个理论值或真值,以表示,则,即观察值=真值+误差,每一观察值都有一误差,可正,可负,. error)或随机误差(random error

observation 词典解释

1. 观察;观测
    Observation is the action or process of carefully watching someone or something.

    e.g. ...careful observation of the movement of the planets...
    e.g. In hospital she'll be under observation all the time.

2. 观察所得;观察资料;观测数据
    An observation is something that you have learned by seeing or watching something and thinking about it.

    e.g. This book contains observations about the causes of addictions.

3. observation的翻译

3. (通常指观察后发表的)评论,言论
    If a person makes an observation, they make a comment about something or someone, usually as a result of watching how they behave.

    e.g. 'You're an obstinate man,' she said. 'Is that a criticism,' I said, 'or just an observation?'.

4. 观察力
    Observation is the ability to pay a lot of attention to things and to notice more about them than most people do.

    e.g. She has good powers of observation.

observation 单语例句

1. Doctors said serious wounds were found over large areas of Chen's buttocks, and had to be hospitalized for further observation.

2. That story became famous among friends and colleagues who are impressed by his courage, keen observation and appreciation of life's small details.

3. observation的近义词

3. Jiang said they were closely watching the groups and the specific number of gazelles would be revealed following further observation and calculation.

4. observation什么意思

4. Observation satellites'remote sensors will tell researchers in September whether the polar cap diminished this summer to its smallest size on record.

5. He noted that individual differences are big among chimpanzees so the observation might not mean all chimpanzees are capable of the same planning.

6. observation是什么意思

6. " We created our hypothesis through casual observation and examination of scholarly accounts, " the authors said.

7. Casual observation of a passing bullet train in the area reveals that it's not yet back to business as usual.

8. It was a casual remark that could have either been a personal observation or a native belief.

9. observation是什么意思

9. Zhao said he would raise chick after the quarantine observation period was over and pay more attention to bird disease prevention.

10. observation的近义词

10. The observation came from AMD president and chief executive officer Dirk Meyer, whose company now stands as the world's second largest chipmaker.

observation 英英释义



1. the act of observing
    taking a patient look

    Synonym: observance watching

2. the act of making and recording a measurement

3. the act of noticing or paying attention

    e.g. he escaped the notice of the police

    Synonym: notice observance

4. facts learned by observing

    e.g. he reported his observations to the mayor

5. observation

5. a remark expressing careful consideration

    Synonym: reflection reflexion