
watching ['wɒtʃɪŋ]  ['wɒtʃɪŋ] 








watching 基本解释
watching 网络解释


1. 别再看了:There'll be no more watching me sleep! No more...|不准再看我睡觉了 我不准... | ...watching!|...别再看了 | I got some great stuff to dehydrate. Grapes, apricots.|我有些好东西脱水哦 我有葡萄,还有杏桃

2. 看着我们:He's out there somewhere.|他就在某个地方 | Watching.|看着我们 | l can feel it.|我能感觉得到

3. 興趣:社交團體: catholic | 興趣: watching | 最喜歡的書: horror

watching 单语例句

1. A clandestine video porn shop was busted after a worried mother recently busted her young son watching a dirty movie.

2. But watching on as their crops and properties are devastated by wild boars seems like a terrible choice for villagers.

3. Since the Games began a large portion of the country has been watching the action unfold from the comfort of their sofas.

4. In addition, watching French movies also has a certain social cache.

5. If a bird dominant to the jays saw them store their food, the jays would move the cache later when the dominant bird was not watching.

6. Jiang said they were closely watching the groups and the specific number of gazelles would be revealed following further observation and calculation.

7. Page has been in China for nine years, and like most of her guests she's not watching the clock or the calendar.

8. I will be at home watching the panda cam and waiting for the news of what the little one's name will be.

9. I was watching news in Los Angeles on my way back to Canada, and saw how reports twisted the story on how Hillary Clinton stressed human rights issues.

10. Cheryl also revealed when she wants to relax and forget about work she will spend a night at home watching TV with her canine friends.

watching 英英释义



1. the act of observing
    taking a patient look

    Synonym: observation observance