
omission [əˈmɪʃn]  [oˈmɪʃən] 


omission 基本解释

名词遗漏; 疏忽; 省略,删节; [法]不履行法律责任

omission 相关例句


1. This task does not allow any omissions.

2. The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.

omission 网络解释


1. 遗漏:其中的「医师业务责任保险」就是指被保险人於执行医师业务时,因疏忽行为(Negligent act)、遗漏(Omission)或错误(Errors)判断,违反其业务上应尽的责任,直接引致病人体伤(包括死亡)或财损时,依法应由被保险人负赔偿责任,

2. 减词:汉英翻译技巧:减词 (Omission)文章阅读次数:8ttt8.com网站告知,点这可复制此文章网址及名称:汉英翻译技巧:减词 (Omission)

omission 词典解释

1. omission在线翻译

1. 省略的东西;删节的东西;遗漏的东西
    An omission is something that has not been included or has not been done, either deliberately or accidentally.

    e.g. The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.

2. 省略;删节;排除;遗漏;疏忽
    Omission is the act of not including a particular person or thing or of not doing something.

    e.g. ...the prosecution's seemingly malicious omission of recorded evidence.

omission 单语例句

1. omission

1. A common error is the omission of the district names, which causes confusion as many places across Hong Kong share the same names.

2. But Beckham's omission for Thursday's game appears to support reports that Capello has asked the club not to renew the Englishman's contract.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Ranieri though has reassured Del Piero that his omission was nothing to worry about as he tries out different striking pairs.

4. omission

4. His omission was sharply criticised by United and the players'union, while Ferdinand's England team mates threatened to strike unless he was reinstated.

5. She didn't enumerate those reasons, and the omission has fanned recent French media speculation that she may be pregnant.

6. omission的解释

6. In the case that the record contains omission or errors, the enquired can request inclusion of the omission and corrections.

7. omission是什么意思

7. Joe Cole is a surprise omission after impressing on his Liverpool debut in the Europa League on Thursday.

8. omission

8. This year the big shock was the omission of leading authors and hotly fancied contenders like Peter Carey and David Mitchell.

9. This omission is understandable, since one country acting alone cannot do much to stop global warming.

10. Experts warned it will lead to the omission of the report on hereditary and infectious diseases as well as venereal diseases in particular.

omission 英英释义



1. omission在线翻译

1. a mistake resulting from neglect

    Synonym: skip

2. neglecting to do something
    leaving out or passing over something

3. any process whereby sounds or words are left out of spoken words or phrases

    Synonym: deletion

4. omission的反义词

4. something that has been omitted

    e.g. she searched the table for omissions