
omissions [ə'mɪʃnz]  [ə'mɪʃnz] 


omissions 基本解释
遗漏;省略( omission的名词复数 );删节;略去或漏掉的事;
omissions 网络解释


1. 遗漏:疏忽与遗漏(omissions) 即课程材料中见不到少数民族族群的有关内容. 表面的和无意义的改变(superficial and insignificant changes) 即课程材料中的一些插图仅仅被修饰成多族群、多文化的,但内容却一成不变. 其实质是虚假的多元文化教育.

2. 漏记帐:103、冲帐offsetting | 104、漏记帐omissions | 105、原始凭证;原始单据original document

3. 冗长:sentimental 感伤的 | omissions 冗长 | fall to the ground 落地

4. 删减:12.3 估价 evaluation | 12.4 删减 omissions | 第十三条 变更与调整 variation and adjustment

omissions 单语例句

1. But unscrupulous businessmen or administrative omissions at times deprive them of their due.

2. But EPA officials acknowledge the agency's database of violations is plagued with errors and omissions.

3. In both cases above, these articles are insidious in their omissions.

4. " These are material omissions which in our view constitute another material breach, " he said.

5. Clarke and Montgomerie said all the right things in the statements that followed their omissions, but it would be perfectly understandable if they were seething inside.

6. Le Devoir cited internal RCMP documents that complained of numerous errors and omissions in the organizing committee's initial estimate.

7. omissions

7. Halliburton said the report contained " substantial omissions and inaccuracies ", while BP was responsible for overseeing and testing complex deepwater operations.

8. In a year in which the Man Booker Prize was distinguished largely by its omissions, it didn't even make the long list.

9. It was unclear late Thursday whether the omissions could be considered a criminal offense.

10. Some omissions are surely going to leave you guys feeling baffled, even incensed.