
organiser ['ɔ:gənaɪzə]  ['ɔ:gənaɪzə] 

organiser 基本解释

[经] 组织者,创立人,发起人

organiser 网络解释

1. 组织者:在英国,旅行业者分为旅游经营商(批发商)和旅游代理商(零售商),但在英国的<<包价旅行、度假及旅游法规>>中没有使用旅游经营商(tour operator)和旅行代理商(travel agent),而是用了组织者(organiser)和零售商(retailer).

2. 主办人:但是,主办人(organiser)敬柔却因来不及从吉隆坡赶回来而无法出席. 在这之前,她已通知了我们的班长(罗毓),班长答应了她当我们的主办人. 但到了最后,班长也因私人因素而无法出席. 所以,这班级叙别会应该算是泡汤了. 但一些朋友们还是依然出席.

3. (事务管理器):5. Gallery services (多媒体资料服务) | Organiser (事务管理器) | 1. Calendar (日历/万年历)

4. 电子记事本:Oracle Corp. 甲骨文集团 | organiser 电子记事本 | OSCARS, One-Stop Change of Address Reporting Services 一站式换址联通服务

organiser 词典解释

1. -> see organizer

organiser 单语例句

1. CMP Asia is the leading organiser of exhibitions in Asia, with associated print and online media.

2. Organiser Angie Ng said she was expecting the turnout to exceed the 300 who attended their first march last year.

3. Those comments have certainly put a smile on the organiser's face.

4. Although the Chinese organiser refuses to reveal the financial details of the tour, he says Spears has made substantial compromises to make her visit to China.


5. An organiser told the audience they should feel free to celebrate any South African goal but asked them not to charge the stage.

6. organiser

6. London 2012 chief organiser Sebastian Coe encouraged people to " take your time, figure out your budget and figure out what you want to see ".

7. Some 45 hot airships from 20 countries are to take part in the competition, the organiser said.

8. " This came together unbelievably quick, " said organiser and musician Michael Hall.

9. organiser什么意思

9. Once their participation is confirmed, participants will be requested to submit a " Theme Statement " and " Exhibition Project " to the Organiser.

10. According to the organiser Unusual Productions, 95 per cent of the tickets have been sold.

organiser 英英释义



1. a lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks
    can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.

    Synonym: personal digital assistant PDA personal organizer personal organiser organizer

2. a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise

    e.g. she was the organizer of the meeting

    Synonym: organizer arranger

3. someone who enlists workers to join a union

    Synonym: organizer labor organizer