1. 软片,胶卷:photographic eyepiece 摄影用灯 | photographic film 软片,胶卷 | photographic lamp 摄影用灯
2. 胶片:photographic f-ratio 照相F比 | photographic film 胶片 | photographic film dosimeter 照相胶片剂量计
3. 照相软片:photoelectrical 光电的 | photographic film 照相软片 | photoluminescent exit marking system 荧光安全出口标志系统
4. 感光成像之底片:Photofugitive感光褪色. | Photographic film感光成像之底片. | Photoinitiator感光启始剂.
1. Fuji has launched a nationwide counterattack on rival Kodak, now the biggest player in China's photographic film industry.
2. photographic film的意思
2. Another easy and cheap alternative is to look through several layers of black photographic film.
3. photographic film
3. Photographic film has been replaced with digital images leading to the collapse of traditional film suppliers.
4. A photographic exhibition and a film will debut at the Brunei Gallery in the school of Oriental and African Studies on Feb 10.
1. photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion
used to make negatives or transparencies
Synonym: film