
rapacity [rə'pæsətɪ]  [rə'pæsətɪ] 

rapacity 基本解释


rapacity 网络解释

1. 抢夺:rapaciousness 强取 | rapacity 抢夺 | rape oil 菜油

2. (贪婪)拉帕西特子爵:miserliness (贪婪)米舍林斯修道院长 | rapacity (贪婪)拉帕西特子爵 | voracity (贪婪)威拉萨特公爵

3. 掠夺,贪婪:incapacity 缺乏能力 | rapacity 掠夺,贪婪 | opacity 不透明,暖昧

4. 掠夺:-acity[名词后缀] | rapacity 掠夺 | vivacity 活泼,有生气

rapacity 词典解释

1. rapacity的意思

1. 贪婪;贪得无厌
    Rapacity is very greedy or selfish behaviour.

    e.g. He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on 'selfishness' and 'rapacity'.
    e.g. ...the rapacity of landlords and the misery of tenants.

rapacity 英英释义


1. reprehensible acquisitiveness
    insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: avarice greed covetousness avaritia

2. extreme gluttony

    Synonym: edacity esurience rapaciousness voracity voraciousness