
reasonable [ˈri:znəbl]  [ˈrizənəbəl] 


比较级:more reasonable

最高级:most reasonable

reasonable 基本解释


形容词合理的,公道的; 明白道理的; 适当的; 有理性的

reasonable 同义词


形容词fair sensible practical sane justifiable rational realistic logical just sound

reasonable 反义词



reasonable 相关例句


1. Our mother was always very reasonable.

reasonable 词典解释

1. reasonable

1. (人)公平的,明智的,理智的,有判断力的
    If you think that someone is fair and sensible you can say that they are reasonable.

    e.g. He's a reasonable sort of chap...
    e.g. Oh, come on, be reasonable.

'I'm sorry, Andrew,' she said reasonably.
'I can understand how you feel,' Desmond said with great reasonableness.

2. (决定或行动)公平的,合理的
    If you say that a decision or action is reasonable, you mean that it is fair and sensible.

    e.g. ...a perfectly reasonable decision...
    e.g. At the time, what he'd done had seemed reasonable.

3. (期望或解释)合理的,有道理的
    If you say that an expectation or explanation is reasonable, you mean that there are good reasons why it may be correct.

    e.g. It seems reasonable to expect rapid urban growth.

You can reasonably expect your goods to arrive within six to eight weeks.

4. (价钱)合理的,公道的,不太贵的
    If you say that the price of something is reasonable, you mean that it is fair and not too high.

    e.g. You get an interesting meal for a reasonable price...
    e.g. His fees were quite reasonable.

...reasonably priced accommodation.

5. 还算好的;不错的
    You can use reasonable to describe something that is fairly good, but not very good.

    e.g. The boy answered him in reasonable French...
    e.g. He had never been able to make a reasonable living from his writing.

I can dance reasonably well.

6. reasonable在线翻译

6. 较多的;相当大的
      A reasonable amount of something is a fairly large amount of it.

      e.g. They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.

From now on events moved reasonably quickly.
reasonable 单语例句

1. We act in strict compliance with the authorization, and exploit digital copies of the works in a reasonable and legal manner.

2. This assumes stable capital flows and a reasonable level of total social financing.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Newly raised capital of funds can provide more investment products with reasonable valuation.

4. It should slow the growth of outward FDI and tighten its capital outflow controls until the income gap is reduced to a reasonable level.

5. Most of the participants found this activity interesting and the charge reasonable.

6. Mao said officials at Carrefour's Shanghai company at first were against holding the talks, saying they believed the company's system of distributing income was reasonable.

7. reasonable的反义词

7. Without reasonable proficiency in their maternal language, we cannot expect them to appreciate and carry on the nation's fine cultural traditions.

8. To actualize the intention in a reasonable manner for the best possible result is another matter.

9. This is the temperature ceiling that scientists say would give the world a reasonable chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.

10. Most centrally planned economies are extremely inefficient and are unable to compete globally, and sometimes even domestically in providing high quality products at reasonable cost.

reasonable 英英释义


1. not excessive or extreme

    e.g. a fairish income
           reasonable prices

    Synonym: fair fairish

2. reasonable的近义词

2. marked by sound judgment

    e.g. sane nuclear policy

    Synonym: sane

3. showing reason or sound judgment

    e.g. a sensible choice
           a sensible person

    Synonym: sensible