
recreation [ˌrekriˈeɪʃn]  [ˌrɛkriˈeʃən] 


recreation 基本解释


名词消遣(方式); 娱乐(方式); 重建,重现

recreation 相关例句


1. Football is the boys' usual recreation after school.


1. I regard reading as a form of recreation.

recreation 网络解释


1. 休闲:⊙家庭:(Family) 你家在哪里?农村或城市?姊妹几个?父母做啥工作?⊙职业:(Occupation) 哪学校的?学啥专业?毕业有何打算?去哪?干啥?期待工资?五年十年有何打算?⊙休闲:(Recreation)业余时间干啥?参与啥活动没有?喜欢看书吗?看啥方面书?

2. 消遣,娱乐:如果你不知道怎样提问才恰当,杰尔.厄卡夫和维利.伍德建议,不妨按照有关家庭(FAMILY)、职业(OCCUPATION)、消遣娱乐(RECREATION)、动机(MOTIVATION)四个方面的20个问题来提问.

recreation 词典解释
Pronounced /ˌrekri'eɪʃən/ for meaning 1. Pronounced /ˌriːkri'eɪʃən/ and hyphenated re|crea|tion for meaning 2. 义项1读作/ˌrekri-'eɪʃən/,义项2读作/ˌriːkri'eɪʃən/,分音节形式为re|crea|tion。

1. 休闲;娱乐
    Recreation consists of things that you do in your spare time to relax.

    e.g. Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings...
    e.g. All the family members need to have their own interests and recreations.

2. 重现;重建
    A recreation of something is the process of making it exist or seem to exist again in a different time or place.

    e.g. They are seeking to build a faithful recreation of the original Elizabethan theatre.

recreation 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The square was a de facto community gathering spot and a recreation center.

2. recreation的反义词

2. Along the road you can see the welcoming hall of Victory Square, the financial center of Zhongshan Square and the recreation center of Friendship Square.

3. Bridges across the river can be found all along the recreation park and there are sculptures following a maritime and chess theme as highlights.

4. There will be adjacent retail space that will sell music and art related pieces, there are even recreation centers for teens on the grounds.

5. According to Wang, the move aims to combine recreation with patriotism and attract more visitors.

6. Income tax on recreation centres is adjusted at a uniform rate of 20 per cent.

7. Travel trade entrepreneurs said Chinese and Indians come for recreation while Europeans and Americans love adventure.

8. recreation

8. Film in essence is a collective form of recreation, but common people can no longer afford it.

9. Journalists were shown a sampling of the games and art supplies offered for recreation in one of the communal camps.

10. Traditional knowledge is often already widely known and cultural expressions are often the product of constant recreation and sharing between cultures and peoples.

recreation 英英释义


1. activity that refreshes and recreates
    activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation

    e.g. time for rest and refreshment by the pool
           days of joyous recreation with his friends

    Synonym: refreshment


2. an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

    e.g. scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists
           for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles
           drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation

    Synonym: diversion