






refurbishing 基本解释
整修;刷新( refurbish的现在分词 );擦亮;使清洁;
refurbishing 网络解释


1. 翻修:refugee escort;难民护送; ; | refurbishing;翻修; ; | regiment;团; ;

2. 锻剑去:288. 剑圣剑 Fabled Sword | 289. 锻剑去 Refurbishing | 290. 被遗忘的秘密 Stone Secret

3. 产品翻修:复合型,应用性管理人才:Versatile and practical management talents | 产品翻修:Refurbishing | 准确及时地市场调研:Timely and thorough market research

refurbishing 单语例句

1. If the refurbishing act is not engaged in criminal activity to a crime, it should be prevented using administrative or civil law tools.

2. " The steep price tags reflect the constant updating and refurbishing these elite camps do, " according to Forbes.

3. refurbishing的翻译

3. Wouldn't it be worth spending the money on building or refurbishing day centers, or improving the decentralized information network instead?

4. refurbishing

4. Zuo said he rented a traditional nursing home and spent several million yuan on refurbishing it.

5. The carrier departed from the Dalian shipyard where workers have been refurbishing the ship.

6. This covers a wide range of changes including refurbishing existing stores, closing unprofitable outlets and creating more fashionable collections.

7. The paintings will return home in 2013, when the refurbishing is completed.

8. India is instead building roads, refurbishing a port and considering the construction of a natural gas pipeline.

9. refurbishing

9. It has pledged to spend US $ 20 billion in building sports complexes and refurbishing Beijing's infrastructure.