
remove [rɪˈmu:v]  [rɪˈmuv] 






remove 基本解释

及物动词去除; 开除; 脱掉,拿下; 迁移

不及物动词迁移,移居; 离开

名词距离,差距; 移动

remove 同义词


动词withdraw eject eliminate doff oust discard expel subtract extract dispose of deduct take away

remove 反义词

及物动词fix replace

remove 网络解释


1. 除去:另外,主动中间攻击者 (active-intermediaryattacker)能够从根DSE(therootDSE)的supportedExtension 属性中除去(remove)启动TLS扩展操作. 因此,双方应该(SHOULD)独立地查明和同意 TLS建立后取得的安全级,以及在TLS连接使用开始之前.

2. remove:rem; 移除

remove 词典解释

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1. 移动;搬动;取出
    If you remove something from a place, you take it away.

    e.g. As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven...
    e.g. At least three bullets were removed from his wounds...

2. remove的反义词

2. 脱下(衣服)
    If you remove clothing, you take it off.

    e.g. He removed his jacket.

3. (用化学品)去除,洗掉(污渍)
    If you remove a stain from something, you make the stain disappear by treating it with a chemical or by washing it.

    e.g. This treatment removes the most stubborn stains...
    e.g. Try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers.

4. 免除(职务)
    If people remove someone from power or from something such as a committee, they stop them being in power or being a member of the committee.

    e.g. The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office...
    e.g. The president could only be removed from power once free elections were organised...

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5. 消除(障碍);取消(限制);解决(问题)
    If you remove an obstacle, a restriction, or a problem, you get rid of it.

    e.g. The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty...
    e.g. Most of her fears had been removed.

6. remove的意思

6. 间接地
    If you do or experience something at one remove, you do not do it or experience it yourself, but someone else does it or experiences it instead of you.

    e.g. She enjoyed his company and the excitement of feeling herself linked at one remove to London society...
    e.g. She can know the world only at several removes.

remove 单语例句

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1. Eriksson had already been forced to remove Nicky Butt from his midfield after a heavy challenge midway through the opening period.

2. The reforms will act as a catalyst to remove bureaucratic impediments, improve efficiency and inspire society to act on its own.

3. A nationwide campaign to remove all medicines produced by the company has been carried out at the order of the SFDA.

4. Sharon offered no new initiatives and reaffirmed many of his hardline policies, including the decision by his security cabinet last month to remove Arafat eventually from power.

5. Italian police remove bags after they reportedly discovered a weapons cache in Rome allegedly belonging to the Red Brigades.

6. The group also claimed that when the Californian company was notified about the pirated content, it was too slow to remove the products.

7. remove的解释

7. Yu says activated carbon could remove more than 95 percent of microcystins in drinking water.

8. He was responding to his EU counterpart's call for China to further open its market to foreign competition and remove " unfair barriers " to European companies.

9. Canada also added new individuals and entities to the list of designated persons under sanctions, and remove certain entities that no longer present a proliferation concern.

10. Transvaginal kidney removals have been done before to remove cancerous or nonfunctioning kidneys, and other diseased organs have also been removed through mouths and other orifices.

remove 英英释义


1. degree of figurative distance or separation


1. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract

    e.g. remove a threat
           remove a wrapper
           Remove the dirty dishes from the table
           take the gun from your pocket
           This machine withdraws heat from the environment

    Synonym: take take away withdraw

2. go away or leave

    e.g. He absented himself

    Synonym: absent

3. remove什么意思

3. get rid of something abstract

    e.g. The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage
           God takes away your sins

    Synonym: take away

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes

    e.g. He removed his children to the countryside
           Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city
           remove a case to another court

    Synonym: transfer

5. dispose of

    e.g. Get rid of these old shoes!
           The company got rid of all the dead wood

    Synonym: get rid of

6. remove from a position or an office

7. cause to leave

    e.g. The teacher took the children out of the classroom

    Synonym: take out move out

8. remove是什么意思

8. kill intentionally and with premeditation

    e.g. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

    Synonym: murder slay hit dispatch bump off off polish off