






retrieving 基本解释


动词恢复; 取回( retrieve的现在分词 ); 寻回; 检索(储存的信息)

retrieving 网络解释

1. 检索:为了使信息检索技术在支持企业价值链时发挥信息整合的作用,信息检索技术除为各种企业数据库中任何格式的资料提供最新的新的索引建置(Indexing)、搜索(Searching)和检索(Retrieving)机制外,它还应该要具备其它更多的功能,

2. 读出:printing,打印,32 | retrieving,读出,19 | saving,贮存,20

3. (位域的检索):modifying(位域的修改),455-456 | retrieving(位域的检索),456 | storage of(位域的存储),459-460

retrieving 单语例句

1. " Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks, " the prize citation said.

2. After retrieving her from the quake's rubble, he wanted to drive her body to their home and bury her there.

3. retrieving在线翻译

3. But troops delayed retrieving the remains until an explosives team cleared the area after an Iraqi civilian warned them to be alert for explosive devices.

4. Police collected forensic evidence - retrieving pieces of flesh and discarded shoes - from the site of the bombing.

5. The squad earned a good reputation for retrieving drowning and drowned people from the water.

6. retrieving的反义词

6. Today, hypnosis is generally considered to be an unreliable method of retrieving memories.

7. retrieving的反义词

7. However, the private divers usually require remuneration for retrieving the bodies and many disputes have arisen.

8. retrieving是什么意思

8. The administration suggested retrieving the tax refund of 39 of the listed products after they were exported and banning the processing trade of these products.

9. retrieving的意思

9. Simpson has insisted he was retrieving items that had been stolen from him.


10. Forestry department workers set the cameras up on the mountain in March and discovered the photos after recently retrieving the cameras.