
rostrum [ˈrɒstrəm]  [ˈrɑ:strəm] 


第三人称复数:rostrums; rostra

rostrum 基本解释



rostrum 相关例句



1. Inside, there is a high rostrum for preaching.

rostrum 网络解释


1. 吻突:(slash贬落,骤然砍下/ Nail指甲,爪子)吻突(Rostrum)用巨大的下巴破坏对手全部资料且咽下的技能.(Rostrum/喙,吻突)尾(Cauda)巨大的尾巴横砍全部敌人的技能.

2. 喙:内颚叶完全退化,外颚叶却十分发达,左右嵌合成一条长喙(proboscis),作为吮吸的食物管.外颚叶本身中空,其内腔与头腔相通.蝇类的口器舐吸式,大颚已完全退化,口器主要由喙和唇瓣两部分构成.喙分基喙(rostrum)和吸喙(haustellum),

3. 吻部:其嘴部尖端突出,有两个喷气孔(blowholes),吻部(rostrum)宽敞而平坦. 长须鲸的头部后方有灰白色的人字纹,是极为明显的辨认特征. 其下颚的右方有白色的斑驳,而左方则有灰黑色的斑驳. 人们间或可看到身体呈不对称形状的小须鲸,

4. 喙部:胼胝体最后侧的部分叫做压部(Splenium),最前侧的部分叫做膝部(Genu). 压部和膝部之间的部分一般称为主体(Body). 胼胝体喙部(Rostrum)指的是压部下方向后延伸的部分.

rostrum 词典解释

1. 演讲台;领奖台;指挥台
    A rostrum is a raised platform on which someone stands when they are speaking to an audience, receiving a prize, or conducting an orchestra.

    e.g. As he stood on the winner's rostrum, he sang the words of the national anthem.

rostrum 单语例句

1. So many people arrived in the following days, trying to grasp a feel of standing on the rostrum and reviewing the passing parade.

2. Bush spoke from the rostrum of the House chamber, with Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Dennis Hastert seated behind him.

3. The performances'background will be Tiananmen's rostrum and square, and the Forbidden City.

4. And it does not seem to matter how good a singing voice he or she has when it comes to getting on the awards rostrum.

5. A new photo album series featuring celebrities standing in front of the rostrum is under way.

6. He was there with the crowd in 1949 when Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of New China on the Tiananmen Rostrum.

7. Yan's collection presents eight different versions of Mao's portrait hung on the rostrum.

8. rostrum的意思

8. A blue banner hanging over the rostrum reads " Believe in America ", giving a hint to the theme of the election night party.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The VIP route adds the golden lobby in the basement, the rostrum on the second floor and VIP rooms to the package.

10. Volunteers in blue on both sides of the rostrum are giving out ceremony pamphlets and bottled water.

rostrum 英英释义



1. beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils

    Synonym: snout

2. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

    Synonym: dais podium pulpit ambo stump soapbox