1. 毁灭:ruinate 破坏了的 | ruination 毁灭 | ruined 毁灭的
2. 反刍式思考:Ruffini corpuscle 罗菲尼小体 | ruination 反刍式思考 | rule 法则
3. 荒废,没落:devastation毁坏 | ruination荒废,没落 | hedonism享乐主义
4. 化为废墟:95Shard Phoenix碎翼凤凰SH | 96Ruination化为废墟SH | 97Invasion Plans侵略计画SH
1. 毁灭;灭亡;祸根
The ruination of someone or something is the act of ruining them or the process of being ruined.
e.g. Money was the ruination of him...
e.g. The clerics have brought ruination on our people.
1. destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
Synonym: laying waste ruin ruining wrecking
2. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
3. an event that results in destruction
Synonym: ruin
4. an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction
e.g. you have brought ruin on this entire family
Synonym: ruin