
downfall [ˈdaʊnfɔ:l]  [ˈdaʊnˌfɔl] 


downfall 基本解释


名词垮台; (雨等的)大下特下; (家,国等的)没落

downfall 网络解释

1. (毁灭):据英国<<每日电讯报>>报道,这部名为<<毁灭>>(Downfall)的影片改变了德国电影界以往只让希特勒当背景人物的惯例,希特勒首次在二战后的德国电影中当了一回主人公.

2. 衰败:主角是上世纪四十年代地下抗纳粹组织白玫瑰的唯一女成员,在慕尼黑大学派发传单被捕,六日后被判叛国处死. 或者<<苏菲赛尔>>不会像粉饰希特勒的<<衰败>>(Downfall)一般扬名立万,但是公道自在人心,它才是万古流芳的英雄传记.

3. 帝國毀滅:<<希特勒的男孩>>(NAPOLA)与 <<帝国毁灭>>(Downfall)、<<苏菲索尔的最后时光>>(Sophie Scholl:The Final Days)被德国人并列为二次大战60周年的<<终战三部曲>>.

downfall 词典解释


1. 衰落;衰败;垮台
    The downfall of a successful or powerful person or institution is their loss of success or power.

    e.g. His lack of experience had led to his downfall.
    e.g. ...people wishing to see the downfall of the government.

2. 失败(或垮台)的原因
    The thing that was a person's downfall caused them to fail or lose power.

    e.g. His honesty had been his downfall...
    e.g. Alan's downfall was women.

downfall 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Sometimes this could mean hiding actual figures even when the company is struggling and potentially lead to the downfall of the organization.

2. Appel relates anecdotes to characterize his father and shed light on the events that led to his downfall.

3. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the downfall of the Soviet Communist Party, many observers delighting in schadenfreude predicted that China would follow suit.

4. The United States was slow to condemn the 2002 coup, initially accusing Chavez of provoking his own downfall.

5. He plotted the downfall of his conqueror as soon as he was released.

6. The credit crunch and the ensuing global economic downfall demonstrated to many that the global economy is fragile and vulnerable to bank failures.

7. downfall的解释

7. The team doctor came up to diagnose but couldn't get any reaction from Wang just following the downfall.

8. Even children born after his downfall are familiar with his music because U Can't Touch This still gets played in TV shows and movies.

9. Hong Kong's coach had said he would make the game interesting for China, and the team's dogged defence spelled China's ultimate downfall.

10. BEIJING - China is completing a nationwide training for presidents of grassroots courts Friday, following the downfall of a group of judicial officials implicated in corruption scandals.

downfall 英英释义



1. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation

    Synonym: ruin ruination

2. downfall在线翻译

2. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance

    e.g. the fall of the House of Hapsburg

    Synonym: fall

3. the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)

    Synonym: precipitation