
rumor ['ru:mə]  [ˈrumɚ] 







rumor 基本解释

名词<美>传闻; [古]名誉; 咕哝; [古]喧嚷

及物动词谣传; 传说

rumor 相关例句


1. It is rumored that she has committed suicide.


1. Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign.

2. I heard a rumor that the headmaster is leaving.

3. The rumour was fabricated by the enemy radio station.

rumor 网络解释


1. 谣传:最后,也是最重要的一点,主观主义标准考察陷阱抗辩的成立将依赖于被告人是否有所要求的主观犯罪倾向,其证明必然要引入传闻(hearsay)、怀疑(suspicion)、谣传(rumor)等作为证据,而这些在其他情形中则不得被用作证据.

2. 谣言频道:威力不明方便你回答刚刚tell过你的人,可以用 reply 命令 (help reply)另外还有谣言频道(rumor) 和耳语(whisper) ,不常用到. 这里就不介绍了. ㈤ 拜一个好师父(help bai)很重要. 很多师父不轻意收徒,你要自己多多多的人实战,

3. 流言:于是黄色与橙色光芒活动减弱许多, 于是慢慢地减少最终绿色光芒启动的可能性.发问者: 在这个类别中 你可否给予我们关于战争与战争流言(rumor)的信息ㄧ个实体可以藉由在战争中的英勇(heroic)行为,

rumor 词典解释

1. -> see rumour

rumor 单语例句

1. rumor的解释

1. There is a rumor that she has insured her buttocks, which have been called the world's most famous butt.

2. But all the three banks denied the report then and Guo now again discouraged the rumor of CCB's investment in Standard Chartered.

3. rumor的解释

3. The confirmation came after a Census and Statistics Department's statement denying an online rumor of a census officer being raped.

4. The chandelier which sparked online rumor is seen in this undated photo.

5. Still, the online rumor about the chandelier sparked outrage among many netizens.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The chaos prompted the provincial earthquake administration to officially deny the rumor on its website on Sunday and encourage residents to return to their homes.

7. One widely circulated rumor stated that an official spokesman had said the explosions were a result of " spontaneous combustion " due to rising temperature.

8. But Li refuted the rumor by saying the deal is not yet completed as the authorities are going over the transaction.


9. One of the most recent examples is the rumor about a model bus conductress in Beijing.

10. Some blame it on a criminal case in Guangdong province earlier, which was largely fanned by a rumor.

rumor 英英释义



1. gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth

    Synonym: rumour hearsay


1. tell or spread rumors

    e.g. It was rumored that the next president would be a woman

    Synonym: rumour bruit