






rumors 基本解释
<美>传闻( rumor的名词复数 );名誉;咕哝;喧嚷;<美>传闻( rumor的第三人称单数 );
rumors 网络解释


1. 謠言:第四, 自我与你所称的战争与战争谣言(rumors)之间的关系.RA: 我是Ra, 这是正确的. 第四正面密度的紫罗兰光芒将被染上(tinged)绿色, 蓝色, 靛蓝色三合一(triad)能量. 这个色调可以看做是彩虹或三棱镜(prism)的一部份各个光芒相当地显著(distinct).第四负面密度的紫罗兰光芒,

2. 传闻:国外一个专门报导 PSP 传闻(Rumors)的网站 日前引述了 网站上游戏评论编辑作家 Mark Podd 所刊登的一则消息,上面写道,再不久后 SONY 可能将会推出银色款式的 SONY PlayStation Portable(PSP)掌上型娱乐主机

3. 瑶言(琳赛.罗韩):066 READY FOR THE......迎接好时光(克莉丝朵盖尔) | 067 RUMORS 瑶言(琳赛.罗韩) | 068 SHIVER 寒风(娜塔莉.安博莉亚)

4. 流言蜚语:street gossip 街谈巷议 | rumors 流言蜚语 | barking dogs do not bite 吠犬不咬人

rumors 单语例句

1. The price surge was further helped by rumors that China Development Bank was contemplating a stake buy in SDB.


2. Chinese officials and salt producers have denied rumors of salt price hikes, which led to panic buying in parts of the country.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. LOS ANGELES - George Clooney personally responded Thursday to rumors circulated by two gossip Web sites.

4. rumors

4. Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Thursday Greece is being victimized by rumors in financial markets and he denied seeking to borrow from European partners.

5. rumors的意思

5. Only by this way, can we nip rumors in the bud.

6. rumors的解释

6. From marriage to rumors of divorce, though we perhaps risk court action for mentioning it.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Rumors that the state banking regulator will call an end to the favorable mortgage policy next year have driven homebuyers into the housing market.

8. rumors

8. The campaign also battled unfounded rumors that Obama was secretly a Muslim.

9. Inevitably these rumors have attracted paparazzi like a magnet and they have been camping outside the family's home.

10. rumors

10. The Alliance to Bust Rumors cannot hope to dispel all such rumors.