
runt [rʌnt]  [rʌnt] 



runt 基本解释


runt 网络解释

1. 小的,屁精,鼻涕精:orky:兽人的,兽人文明,好的,绿的 | runt:小的,屁精,鼻涕精 | shak:建筑,房屋,生活,民居

2. 小牛:runproof 不绽线的 | runt 小牛 | runtime class 运行时间类

3. 侏儒:runs test 连续测验 | runt 侏儒 | runway 跑道

4. 小家畜:runstitching 初缝 | runt 小家畜 | runtime 运行时

runt 词典解释

1. (一胎中)最弱小的仔畜
    The runt of a group of animals born to the same mother at the same time is the smallest and weakest of them.

    e.g. Animals reject the runt of the litter.

2. (表厌恶或不满)矮子
    You call a small person a runt when you are annoyed with them and are expressing your dislike for them.

    e.g. You little runt!...
    e.g. My research owes nothing to anybody, least of all to a little runt like you.

runt 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. disparaging terms for small people

    Synonym: shrimp peewee half-pint