1. 乡村式:rusticism 乡土用语 | rusticity 乡村式 | rusticize 使乡下化
2. 乡村风味,乡村特点,质朴:rustic 乡村的,乡村式的 | rusticity 乡村风味,乡村特点,质朴 | 路------ voy
3. 乡村式,田园生活,质朴:rustic 乡村的,乡土气的 | rusticity 乡村式,田园生活,质朴 | rusticate 过乡间生活
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1. 田园生活
You can refer to the simple, peaceful character of life in the countryside as rusticity .
e.g. It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity.