sad sack

sad sack [sæd sæk]  [sæd sæk] 

sad sack 基本解释
sad sack 网络解释

sad sack是什么意思

1. 冒失鬼, 不中用之人, 糊涂兵:ardeb 阿德布(埃及干品容量单位) | sad sack 冒失鬼, 不中用之人, 糊涂兵 | ancillary instrument 辅助仪器

2. 冒失鬼:sad apple 讨厌的家伙 | sad sack 冒失鬼 | sad 忧愁的

3. 不中用的人:evolve vi. 发展,逐步形成 | aphorism n. 格言,警句 | sad sack 不中用的人

4. 糊涂兵:湖上木排屋/pile dwelling | 糊涂兵/sad sack | 互济会/Provident Society

sad sack 双语例句

sad sack的翻译

1. If ever there were a sad sack who needed the keepyourchinup advice of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), it was Dale Carnegie.

2. There is no room for such sad sack of man.

sad sack在线翻译

3. Ex:Tell him to go away, I have no use for this sad sack for a man

sad sack的近义词

4. I did, you sad sack of-I haven't been alive in 30 years, but I'm not dead yet.

5. And if the chairman's sad duty is to sack the chief executive, what then?

6. Think of Cyrano de Bergerac, who supplies poetry to the lunkheaded Christian to woo Roxane; or the movie Her, in which Joaquin Phoenix's sad sack falls in love with a computer operating system.

7. Are you a little tired of seeing the same sad-sack faces month in and month out?

8. Tell him to go away. I have no use for this sad sack of a man.

9. I have no use for the sad sack of a man.

10. I have no use for this sad sack of a man.

11. John is sad because he just got the sack from his girl.

sad sack 单语例句

1. However a weakened Dragon is a sad sack and takes life's inevitable defeats badly.

sad sack 英英释义


1. sad sack是什么意思

1. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence

    Synonym: bungler blunderer fumbler bumbler stumbler botcher butcher fuckup