
stumbler ['stʌmblə]  ['stʌmblə] 

stumbler 基本解释
stumbler 网络解释


1. 绊跌者; 令人迷惑之事 (名):stumble 绊倒, 失策, 失足; 使绊倒, 使困惑 (动) | stumbler 绊跌者; 令人迷惑之事 (名) | stumbling block 绊脚石; 阻碍物; 困难; 障碍

stumbler 双语例句

1. This feature is like getting the pages of your choice, without any effort, provided, you and your fellow Stumbler have same set of interests.

2. Your words have upheld the stumbler; you have strengthened his faltering knees.


3. If you like a Stumbler and his Stumbles, you can add him/her, to your friend list, and stay updated with whatever he Stumbles, irrespective of, that he adds you as a mutual friend or not.

4. This news was on digg and made popular as it reveals the secret of becoming a top digger or top stumbler.


5. Adding any other Stumbler to your friend list, allows you to see the pages he Reviews, and this is delivered to you under the ` What`s New` tab on your Stumbleupon profile.


6. You can show the gratitude towards any other Stumbler, if you really find something very useful, or if something that has appealed you big time, by writing Reviews on their profile.
    您可以显示的谢意,感谢对任何其他Stumbler ,如果你真的找到一些非常有用的,或者一些已呼吁你大的时间,通过书面审查的资料。


7. In sum, he haunted the world in these clothes, rather than was dressed in them. They were for a stumbler, not my old Master.

8. The Network Stumbler finds open wireless access points.

stumbler 英英释义


1. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence

    Synonym: bungler blunderer fumbler bumbler sad sack botcher butcher fuckup

2. a walker or runner who trips and almost falls

    Synonym: tripper