salt away

salt away [sɔ:lt əˈwei]  [sɔlt əˈwe] 

salt away 基本解释

用盐腌制; <非正>积蓄

salt away 相关例句


1. He was said to have salted away $4 million.

salt away 网络解释

1. 储蓄:1、Salt away储蓄 | He salted away part of his wages each month.他每月把一部分工资储蓄起来. | 2、worth one's salt值得雇佣,称职

salt away 词典解释

1. salt away是什么意思

1. (常以非法手段)储存,储蓄
    If someone salts away sums of money, they save the money for the future, often illegally.

    e.g. Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts.

salt away 单语例句

1. salt away

1. It takes away the aftertaste of the alkali used to preserve noodles, and it balances the salt of the sauces.

salt away 英英释义

salt away


1. salt away的解释

1. keep or lay aside for future use

    e.g. store grain for the winter
           The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat

    Synonym: store hive away lay in put in stack away stash away