1. 伞状变形菜:Sanhedrin 最高法院 | sanicle 伞状变形菜 | sanify 卫生
2. 伞形科变形菜属植物:sanhedrimsanhedrin 最高评议会兼最高法院 | sanicle 伞形科变形菜属植物 | sanidaster 板星
3. 变豆菜 (名):Sanhedrin 古犹太最高评议会及最高法院 (名) | sanicle 变豆菜 (名) | sanies 腐液 (名)
1. Sanicle: He is giving hope to the entire world, not only America.
2. Sanicle: He is giving hope to the entire world, not only America. Yes, We can!
1. sanicle是什么意思
1. a plant of the genus Sanicula having palmately compound leaves and unisexual flowers in panicled umbels followed by bristly fruit
reputed to have healing powers
Synonym: snakeroot